Encounters with Medicine and Sperm 偶遇醫學與精子

Encounters with Medicine and Sperm 偶遇醫學與精子


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Encounters with Medicine and Sperm

曾任萬芳醫院院長, 台北醫學大學副校長, 陽明大學教務長

1. 心臟用藥與男性不孕的創新研究
2. 在大陸/香港經營生技公司的一手經驗
3. 參與中醫藥現代化的曲折過程
4. 獲得「另類諾貝爾獎」的特殊緣由
5. 醫師變成病人的不同感受
6. 醫學教育與醫院管理的實用心得
7. 台灣歷史,社會與醫療的觀察分析
8. 戰後嬰兒潮這代人的成長記憶
9. 國內外大師風範的點滴描述
10. 「有夢最美,尋夢踏實」的親身體會


英國Oxford, London, 美國Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia,
Cornell, Duke, Johns Hopkins, 加拿大McGill,
日本京都,香港港大, 中大, 新加坡, 馬來亞等數十大學及
英國皇家醫學會, Wellcome醫學史, 蘇格蘭國家圖書館收藏

電子書ebook由AmazonKindle或Google Book下載

Encounters with Medicine and Sperm details the fascinating life experiences of a Taiwanese medical doctor, whose job has always been interesting and exciting, no matter where he is – in Taiwan, China, England or America. Dr. Hong has treated many patients, run a biotechnology company in China, managed an 800-bed hospital and climbed the academic ladder to be the top executive of a medical university.

Chuang-Ye Hong’s memoir covers a number of his career successes and events, including his innovative study on the most widely-used heart drug, examining if it would damage male fertility; an analysis of the actions Dr. Hong and his colleagues in a biotech company took following the dreadful outbreak of SARS in China; pioneering research into the effectiveness of acupuncture and herbal drugs; and how he was awarded an Ig-Nobel Prize for a study on the contraceptive use of Coke.

The book also looks at many external socio-political issues, including the relationship between Taiwan and China; the change from Taiwan’s totalitarian government to a democratic one; an inside story about the death of Chiang Kai-Shek and his son, Taiwan’s successive presidents; and an overview of National Health Insurance in Taiwan – which is highly-acclaimed as being efficient and cost-effective.

Encounters with Medicine and Sperm gives a personal insight into Chuang-Ye Hong’s fascinating career, whilst also providing enlightening thoughts and lots of humour, along with 16 black and white illustrations. It will appeal to fans of medical biographies, as well as those with an interest in the medical industry.


Dr. Hong has treated many patients, run a biotechnology company in China, managed an 800-bed hospital and climbed the academic ladder to be the top executive of a medical university. He has also carried out an innovative study on the most widely-used heart drug, examining if it would damage male fertility; pioneered research into the effectiveness of acupuncture and herbal drugs; and he was awarded an Ig-Nobel Prize for a study on the contraceptive use of Coke.

Caesar proudly declared: ‘I came, I saw, I conquered.’ Not being a warrior, I uttered: ‘I came, I saw, I heard.’ In this book, I have recorded what I saw and heard during the past 65 years, for 40 of which I practised medicine.

Commitment to medicine was a tradition in my family and I experienced various encounters during different stages of my professional life – some exciting and some disappointing. No matter where these events happened – in Taiwan, China, England or America – they taught me lessons that some others might be interested to share.

While my medical career was guided by a determination to be a good physician and teacher, my encounter with human sperm motility was serendipitous: full of fun but totally unexpected. It was a highlight of my pioneering research, which I believed should be an endeavor driven by curiosity.

The publicity surrounding my Ig Nobel Prize in 2008 was half amusing and half satirical. Like many other encounters in my life, I had no other choice than to accept and enjoy it.

I extended the span of this book to include my ancestors’ settlement in a small village on the southeast coast of China eight hundred years ago, about the time St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, where I studied, was first built, and Cambridge University – from which my daughter graduated – had just been founded.

History is a record of human encounters. I wrote this book with the sense and sensibility of history. It is unlikely that I could leave a legend that lasted for millennia like Caesar, but I present here to current and future international readers the true story of a Taiwanese medical doctor of this century.


Preface ix
Acknowledgements xi
Part One : The formative years for fathers and sons 1
1. An early history of Taiwan. My ancestors cross the strait 3
2. The Japanese improve hygiene. My grandfather studies bacteria 8
3. The Russians invade Manchuria. My father escapes in a hurry 13
4. A People’s Republic is established. I am born in the year of Ox 18
5. America defends Taiwan. Respectable teachers guide young men 23
Part Two : Learning medicine from books and patients 27
6. Military training. Learning basic medical courses 29
7. First encounter with patients. I fall in love with Fumi 34
8. An intern commits suicide. The President and my father pass away 39
9. Residency in internal medicine. USA severs its formal ties with Taiwan 45
10. Scholarship for studying abroad. Street demonstration for human rights 49
Part Three : Studying abroad in London and Boston 55
11. St. Bartholomew’s Hospital. Professor Turner and gossypol 57
12. Beta-blockers and Sir James Black. Drugs and male infertility 62
13. Human sperm motility. Heart drug and Coke as contraceptives 68
14. Veterans General Hospital and Yang-Ming. Improving research quality 76
15. Massachusetts General Hospital. Purifying adrenergic receptors 82
Part Four : Exploring Chinese medicine and atherosclerosis 87
16. Taiwan lifts martial law. The country moves toward democracy 89
17. Traditional Chinese medicine. Panax notoginseng and the US patent 94
18. Institute of Traditional Medicine. Magnolol and Salvianolic acid 99
19. Chinese medical scientists. West Lake, a paradise on earth 105
20. Lipids and atherosclerosis. Blumberg and Sir John Vane 111
Part Five : Experiencing management in business and university 119
21. Educating the next generation. Fumi’s companies and artemisinin 121
22. The pharmaceutical industry in Taiwan. Clinical drug trials 127
23. Biotechnology companies in China. H&Q Asia Pacific and Sinogen 134
24. Last view of ancestors’ shrine. Eight hundred years of family history 141
25. Taipei Medical University. Reform of medical education 146
Part Six : Searching for the value of medicine and life 151
26. Wan Fang Hospital. Improvements in quality of patient care 153
27. Law and ethics. Financial numbers and human resources 158
28. Health and disease. The doctor as a patient 164
29. National health insurance in Taiwan. Treat a patient, not just a disease 172
30. Learning from the young. Interest in medical history 177
Maps 183
Chronology 185
Index 189





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