As the English version of 《EMI百寶箱:打造成功的EMI課室你要知道的幾件事》, this book is dedicated to the international faculty of higher education in Taiwan and those who are interested in Taiwan's EMI practice (English as a Medium of Instruction). Published by the National Taiwan University EMI Teaching and Learning Center (NTU EMI TLC), this book reviews the common challenges Taiwanese faculty and students face in EMI courses. Moreover, it proposes corresponding solutions based on the expertise and experience of National Taiwan University's faculty. We, NTU EMI TLC, hope to share the NTU experience with nationwide EMI practitioners, students, and anyone concerned with the subject. We firmly believe sharing is the best path for mutual growth and joint success of EMI in Taiwan's higher education. 本書為《EMI百寶箱:打造成功的EMI課室你要知道的幾件事》的英文版,內容包含EMI簡介、ISW簡介、EMI課室挑戰與解方、EMI課室的科技輔助工具等內容。本書結合臺大EMI教師的經驗,並加入相關文獻探討,系統性地整合成工具書,以期將EMI教學實務技巧分享給有興趣的讀者。