The reason for exploring Taiwanese literature from an island perspective can be found in the large number of Taiwan’s surrounding islands. In the planning of this volume, we have chosen to introduce the works of thirteen writers. When necessary, we will mention other works depending on the situation. However, due to limited space, the size of the text samples is restricted, so naturally it is impossible to cover everything. Generally speaking then, the purpose of this volume is to regard the texts of Taiwanese literature as reflections of local island perspectives in the hope of demonstrating the significance of Taiwan’s experience to island researchers around the world.從「島嶼」視角探討台灣文學,本質上係來自於台灣及其周遭島嶼數量可觀。面對為數可觀的島嶼,究竟要如何進行觀察?取徑現有島嶼或群島研究,如曹永和「台灣島史」及格里桑、郝歐法「群島」觀點探討的島嶼和島嶼之間的連結脈絡。大抵,本次專輯策畫,主要是介紹13位作家作品,偶況言及其他作品旨趣是將台灣文學的文本書寫,視為本地島嶼視線的折射,期盼能從中向世界的島嶼研究者展示台灣經驗的意義。