Invasion of the Prostate Snatchers ─ No More Unnecessary Biopsies, Radical Treatment or Loss of Sexual Potency

Invasion of the Prostate Snatchers ─ No More Unnecessary Biopsies, Radical Treatment or Loss of Sexual Potency


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"There are at Least Half a Million Reasons-the number of prostate cancer diagnoses in the U.S. and Europe-To Read this Engaging Diary/Resource written from the alternating perspectives of doctor and patient ... Here's good advice based on the brave experiences of two compatible souls and medical mavericks."---Publishers weekly

"Prostate cancer, when it is the `favorable risk' variety-about 90% of the time-presents a perfect opportunity to use mainstream and alternative medicine together. In their Excellent Book, Authors Scholz and Blum Give a Compelling Demonstration of this Integrative Approach to Healing."-Andrew Weil, M.D. Director University of Arizona center for Integrative Medicine and Author of six New York Times Best Sellers Including Spontaneous Healing and Natural Health. Natural Medicine

"Invasion of the Prostate Snatchers is a Masterpieces of Eye-opening Science that promises to enhance the lives of thousands of men diagnosed with prostate cancer every year. I Give it my Highest Recommendation."---Christiane Northrup, MD, oe/Gyn Physician and Author of the new York Times Best Sellers Women's bodies, Women's Wisoom and the Wisdom of Menopause

"Ralph Blum's twenty-year prostate cancer journey shows men how to consider all alternatives in a thoughtful way. Dr. Mark Scholz's unique medical perspective provides the reassruring scientific support of a prostate oncologist. This Book is Essential Reading for any Man Newly Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer." ---Dean Ornish, MD. President Preventive Medicine Research Institute: Clinical Professor of Medicine University of California. San Francisco and Author of the Spectrum

"In an Informative and Entertaining manner, the authors present a uniquely two-sided perspective on prostate cancer. An Excellent Book for the Newly Diagnosed."---Tanya Dorff, Md, Assistant Professor of Medicine Use Regr School of Medicine Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center

"Invasion of the Prostate Snatchers is a Must Read for anyone who wants to get a glimpse of what the practice of future medicine needs to be."---T. Colin Campbell, PhD., Jacob Gould Schurman Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry, Cornell University, And Coauthor of the China Study

"If Scholz and Blum do nothing more than change the way so many men think about their prostate cancer from `a deadly disease' to a `Low-Risk condition,' they will have served us well."---Larry Raithaus, MD. Urologist, Wilcox Memorial Hospital Kaual Rawall

Every Year Almost Two Hundred Thousand Confused and Frightened American Men are Tossed into a Prostate Cancer Cauldron Stirred by a sales force lobbying for a multibillion-dollar industry. In this flourishing business, the radical prostatectomy is still the most widely recommended treatment option. Yet according to a recent study, only one out of every forty-eight men undergoing radical treatment benefits with longer survival.

Invasion of the Prostate Snatchers Reports the Latest Thinking in Prostate Cancer Management: Low-Risk disease can be safely monitored with "active surveillance" and does not require immediate radical treatment. Intermediate-Risk disease requires either hormone therapy, radiation or surgery, with treatment selection based on quality-of-life considerations. And High-Risk prostate cancer is now being successfully treated with a combination of two or three therapies.

In a Unique Collaboration, Doctor and Patient Provide a New Perspective on Managing This Disease. Ralph Blum's surprisingly entertaining twenty-year journey and eventual decision to treat his cancer as a "chronic condition," together with Dr. Mark Scholz's presentation of the newest scientific advances, will liberate thousands of newly diagnosed men to pursue a noninvasive approach and thereby preserve normal sexual and urinary fuction.

Invasion of the Prostate Snatchers serves as a trustworthy and valuable guide for safely navigating the dangerous medical minefield of prostate cancer.


Ralph H. Blum, a cultural anthropologist and author, has written for various magazines including The New Yorker, Reader's Digest, Cosmopolitan, and Vogue. Blum has published three novels and five nonfication books on the oracular tradition, beginning with The Book of Runes. He has been living with prostate cancer, without radical intervention, for twenty years.
Mark Scholz, MD, has been treating men with prostate cancer exclusively since 1995. He is board certified in medical oncology and internal medicine and is the medical director of Prostate Oncology Specialists. Inc. He is also the executive director of the Prostate Cancer Research Institute and an assistant clinical professor at the University of Southern California.







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