Handbook of Asian Education ─ A Cultural Perspective

Handbook of Asian Education ─ A Cultural Perspective


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Comprehensive and authoritative, this Handbook provides a nuanced description and analysis of educational systems, practices, and policies in Asian countries and explains and interprets these practices from cultural, social, historical, and economic perspectives.

Using a culture-based framework, the volume is organized in five sections, each devoted to educational practices in one civilization in Asia: Sinic, Japanese, Islamic, Buddhist, and Hindu. Culture and culture identities essentially are civilization identities; the major differences among civilizations are rooted in their different cultures. This framework offers a novel approach to capturing the essence of the diverse educational systems and practices in Asia.

Uniquely combining description and interpretation of educational practices in Asia, this Handbook is a must-have resource for education researchers and graduate students in international and comparative education, globalization and education, multicultural education, sociocultural foundations of education, and Asian studies, and for educational administrators and education policy makers.


Yong Zhao is University Distinguished Professor at the College of Education, Michigan State University, where he also serves as the founding director of the Center for Teaching and Technology, and executive director of the Confucius Institute and the US-China Center for Research on Educational Excellence. He is a fellow of the International Academy for Education.


Preface AcknowledgementsPart I: Sinic Education Chapter 1: Cultural Overview of Education in Sinic Civilization GUOFANG LI AND MING FANG HEChapter 2: Education Governance and Management in Sinic Societies NICHOLAS SUN-KEUNG PANGChapter 3: Curriculum and Assessment JOHN CHI-KIN LEE, NGUYEN LOC, KYUNGHEE SO, RAMANATHAN SUBRAMANISM, PEYREU YEN AND HONGBIAO YINChapter 4: Teachers and Teaching in Sinic Education GUOFANG LI, MING FANG HE, WENLI TSOU, WONG PYO HONG, XIAOLAN CURDT-CHRISTIANSEN, AND PHAM LAN HUONGChapter 5: Learners and Learning in Sinic Societies MING FANG HE, JOHN CHI-KIN LEE, JIAYI WANG, LE VAN CANH, PHYLLIS CHEW, KYUNGHEE SO, BETTY CHRISTINE ENG, AND MIN-CHUAN SUNGChapter 6: Home and Community in Sinic Education GUOFANG LI, LIANG DU, I-WAH PANG, SHIH-PEI CHANG, HYUNHEE CHO, AND LANA KHONGChapter 7: Challenges and Future Directions in Sinic Education JING LEI AND JIANWEI ZHANGChapter 8: Education of Immigrants from Sinic Civilization DESIREE BAOLIAN QIN, GUOFANG LI, MEENAL RANA, AND EUN-JIN KIMHAN
Part II: Japanese EducationChapter 9: Cultural Overview of Education in Japanese Civilization: Adaptive Learning at the Global Periphery KAORI H. OKANOChapter 10: Who Runs Japan's Schools?: Education Governance and Management ROBERT ASPINALLChapter 11: The Politics of School Curriculum and Assessment in Japan RYUKO KUBOTAChapter 12: Teachers and Teaching in Japan: Professional Mecca or Pressure Cooker?CATHERINE LEWISChapter 13: Learners and Learning: Structures, Practices and Purposes PETER CAVEChapter 14: The Changing Relationship Between the Home and School in Japan RYOKO TSUNEYOSHI Chapter 15: A Nation's School Unhinged?: Challenges and Future Directions For Japanese Education JUNE A. GORDONChapter 16: Japanese Immigrant and Transient Students in the United States YOSHIKO NOZAKI
Part III: Islamic EducationChapter 17: Cultural Overview of Islam and Education NAGWA M. MEGAHEDChapter 18: Education in the United Arab Emirates: A Socio-cultural Analysis ALI S. IBRAHIMChapter 19: Education in the Sultanate of Oman: The Conflict and the Harmony of Modernity and Traditions HAMOOD AL-HARTHIChapter 20: Malaysian Education System: A Cultural Perspective T. SUBAHAN MOHD, MEERAH, LILIA HALIM , AND NIK RAHIMI NIK YUSOFChapter 21: Education of Immigrant Children from Islamic Cultures JING LEI
Part IV: Buddhist EducationChapter 22: Cultural Overview of the Education Systems in Buddhist Countries DAVID T. GAMAGEChapter 23: Developments in Sri Lankan System of Education: 3rd Century BC to the 21st Century DAVID T. GAMAGE AND PRASAD SETUNGAChapter 24: Thailand: Development of Education System Since 1220 PACHRAPIMON SOOKSOMCHITRA FOX AND DAVID T. GAMAGEChapter 25: Education System in Bhutan since 747 AD to the First Decade of the 21st Century TANDIN WANGMO PHUENTSHOLIAG AND KINGA CHODENChapter 26: Immigrant Children from Asian Buddhist Countries: Issues in Education and Adjustment WEI QIU, NAIYI XIE, AND YONG ZHAO
Part V: Hindu EducationChapter 27: Cultural Overview of Education in Hindu Civilization SHESHAGIRI K.MChapter 28: Colonialism, Modernism, Neo-Liberalism: Problematizing Education in India GAYSU R. ARVINDChapter 29: Learners and Learning in India: History, Perspectives and Contexts DISHA NAWANI AND MANISH JAINChapter 30: Indian Americans and the Social-Cultural Context of Education KHYATI Y. JOSHI







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