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作者:(英國)巴肯 改編:(澳大利亞)科斯特

約翰?巴肯(John Buchan)希區柯克最喜歡的作家之一。當過政治家,英國保守黨國會議員,律師,出版商,也參過軍,以創作驚險故事而著稱,其中以理查德?漢內系列的懸疑小說最為經典。1915年出版的《三十九級臺階》是他最著名的小說,也是文學史經典的懸疑小說。美國推理作家協會評選的100部經典推理小說中排第22位。入選《衛報》評選的“死前必讀的1000本小說”。


《津津有味?讀經典:三十九級臺階(適合初3高1年級)》是英國作家約翰?巴肯的重要作品之一,也是文學史上經典的懸疑小說。2009年,英國《衛報》評選出“死前必讀的1000 本小說”,巴肯有兩部作品入選,其中之一便是《津津有味?讀經典:三十九級臺階(適合初3高1年級)》。

教育部英語課程標準組專家 魯子問


CHAPTER 1 The Man Who Died 1
CHAPTER 2 The Milkman Begins His Travels 7
CHAPTER 3 The Landlord's Adventure 12
CHAPTER 4 The Politician's Adventure 19
CHAPTER 5 The Road Worker 26
CHAPTER 6 The Bald Man's Adventure 34
CHAPTER 7 The Engineer's Adventure 39
CHAPTER 8 The Faithful Friend 43
CHAPTER 9 The Coming of the Black Stone 50
CHAPTER 10 The Thirty-Nine Steps 55
CHAPTER 11 All Together at the Sea 61
CHAPTER 12 A Visit to the Black Stone 66
New Words 71
Playlet 73


He told me that he was an American. He went to SoutheastEurope and got interested in politics. There, he discovereda secret group of very rich men who wanted war in Europe.This would make them richer. He knew a lot about how thegovernments and armies worked. Some of his explanationspuzzled me. He told me that these rich men had a secretplan, and he had to stay alive for one month to stop them.
"But I thought you were dead!"I said.
"I'm coming to that,"he answered.
He told me that these rich men all hated Karolides fortrying to stop the war and planned to kill him. He foundout how they were going to do this. The rich men could notkill Karolides in Greece because he had very strong guards.Karolides, however, was coming to London on the 15th ofJune. The rich men were planning to kill him then.
"Why don't you tell him?"I asked."Then he can stayat home."
"Then they will win,"he replied."Karolides must cometo London because he is the only one who can stop the war."
"You should tell the British Government,"I said."Thenthey will make sure he is safe."
"I don't think so,"said my visitor."The men who wantto kill him are very clever. They will find a way to do it. IfI am still alive on the 15th of June, I can save him."
I asked him some questions. He told me his name wasFranklin Scudder. He said he found out about the plan ashe was traveling around Europe. He learned the first part ofthe plan in Austria. He found out more about it in Poland.He learned the last part of the plan in Paris. As soon as hewas sure, he tried to disappear. He put on a disguise and Austria, however, hated him. I wondered if I could get a job in the Near East. It seemed more interesting than England.
I had dinner at the Caf Royal and went to a show afterward. It wasn't very interesting, and I left early.
I went to my flat, which was on the first floor. I was justputting my key into the keyhole when I saw a man beside me.I didn't hear him coming, so I was very surprised. He wasa thin man with a short beard and small eyes. I recognizedhim. He lived in a flat on the top floor.
"May I come in and speak to you?"he asked.
I nodded and opened the door to let him in. He hurriedin and looked around the flat, making sure that there was noone else there. I had a servant named Paddock, but I didn'twant him to sleep in the flat. He came every morning andleft in the evening. Of course, he was not there when myvisitor rushed in. As soon as he saw that there was no oneelse in the flat, he made sure the door was locked.
"I'm sorry,"he said."I need to talk to someone. You looklike the kind of person a man can trust. Will you help me?"
"I'll listen,"I said,"but I can't promise any more thanthat."
He was very nervous."I'm sorry to look around yourflat like that,"he said."I'm a little nervous, you see. Atthis moment, I am dead."
I was sure he was mad."What does it feel like to hedead?"I asked.
He smiled."I'm not mad. I want to tell you my story. Ineed help. Will you help me?"
"1'11 answer that question after you tell me your story,"I answered.went to Germany. Then he changed his disguise and wentto Norway. He changed his disguise again and came toLondon. He was afraid that they would catch him.
Then he discovered that they were watching him andwanted to kill him. One day, he found a card under his door,The man who left that card was a very rich and cruel man.Scudder shook with fear when he talked about him. Hedecided that he would make them think he was dead. Thenthey would stop watching him.
He stole a dead body from the hospital and brought it tohis flat in a large box. He took out his gun and shot the deadbody in the face. This made it more difficult to recognize thebody. People would not know that it was not him. He dressedthe body in his pajamas and left the gun next to it. Then hewaited until he saw me come home and came down thestairs to meet me.
I thought about his story. It seemed true. I liked Scudder.He did not look like a liar. I decided to check his story byseeing the dead body in his fiat. I asked him for his key. Hetold me that he did not have it.
"I had to leave it in the flat,"he said."My enemies are veryclever and would know that I had escaped if the key wasnot in the fiat. You'll have to wait until tomorrow morning."
I decided to trust him and told him he could stay in my flatfor the night. He thanked me. He went into a bedroom andchanged his appearance. When he came out, I thought he wasa different man. He shaved off his beard. He cut his eyebrows.He combed his hair differently and walked differently. Heeven spoke differently. He lost his American accent andspoke like a British Army officer.P2-P4




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