Heredarás Mi Reino: del Derrumbe de Juan Carlos I a la Incertidumbre de Leonor / You Will Inherit My Kingdom. from the Collapse of Juan Carlos I

Heredarás Mi Reino: del Derrumbe de Juan Carlos I a la Incertidumbre de Leonor / You Will Inherit My Kingdom. from the Collapse of Juan Carlos I


:NT$ 768 元
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Qu?contar嫕 los libros de historia de Juan Carlos I?

Qu?reino heredar?Leonor? Reinar?

Hay un viejo rey, Juan Carlos, tr墔ico y dos nuevos reyes, Felipe y Letizia, que caminan sobre alfombras rojas que cubren cad嫛eres. Hay una princesa, Leonor, protegida como si fuera el Santo Grial. Ella es la gran esperanza de la familia y su futuro. Hay amor, sexo y dinero. Hay much疄imo dinero. Tambi幯 hay traiciones, amenazas y ambici鏮. Hay un 嫮bum de fotos de la Familia Real de la revista Hola! que no era real. Hay una frase de Shakespeare que resume lo sucedido: «La corona ha devorado al que la lleva y otra que cuenta lo que sucede: «Inquieta yace la cabeza que lleva una corona .

Esta historia es un cuento que se acaba. Pero tambi幯 otro que contin.

Este libro es el relato esencial de los episodios que han sumido a la Casa Real en una crisis tan imprevisible como grave y el an嫮isis que esos hechos requieren en tiempos de posverdad y desafecci鏮. El autor nos invita a conocer el qu? primero, y comprender el por qu? despu廥, para entender la ca獮a de Juan Carlos, por qu?su derrumbe no caus?el estruendo que deber燰 haber provocado y c鏔o este se ha convertido hoy d燰 en la mayor amenaza del trono de Leonor. De ella depende el incierto porvenir de la corona. Porque el reino se hereda siempre con todos sus fantasmas. Si es que se hereda...


What will the history books say of Juan Carlos I?

What kind of kingdom will Leonor inherit? Will she reign?

There is an old king, Juan Carlos, tragic. And two new monarchs, Felipe and Letizia, walking on red carpets that cover a line of dead bodies. There is a princess, Leonor, protected as if she were the Holy Grail. She is the family's greatest hope and future. There is love, sex, and money. There is a whole lot of money. There are also betrayals, threats, and ambitions. There is a photo album of the Royal Family in Hola! magazine that it isn't real. There is a line from Shakespeare that sums up what happened: "[The crown] Hast eat thy bearer up." And another one that describes what is happening now: "Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown."

This story is a tale at its end. But also, a tale that is ongoing.

This book is an essential account of those episodes that plunged the Royal Family into a crisis as unforeseeable as it is serious, and the analysis that such facts require in times of post-truth and disaffection. The author invites us to know the what first and then understand the why, in order to comprehend Juan Carlos' collapse, why his downfall did not make the kind of racket it should have, and how he has become the greatest threat to Leonor's throne. The Crown's uncertain future lies with her. Because every kingdom is always inherited with all its ghosts. If it is indeed inherited at all...







定價:100 768



