Easter Fun Dot Marker Coloring Book For Kids Ages 4-6: 30 large pictures that are easy to color

Easter Fun Dot Marker Coloring Book For Kids Ages 4-6: 30 large pictures that are easy to color


:NT$ 319 元
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Easter is an exciting time, with anticipation of getting an Easter basket and enjoying Easter-time activities. Doing related activities leading up to Easter is part of the excitement in preparation for this holiday. This Easter Fun Dot Marker Coloring Book For Kids Ages 4-6 has 30 different Easter images to keep kids busy.

You may be wondering why dot markers are so popular. Toddlers find it difficult to draw straight lines, shapes, or figures. Dot Marker Coloring Books have pictures made up of dots that a child needs to fill using dot markers. The child is able to develops their grip, eye-hand coordination, and uniformity with dot markers. Dot Markers are also leak-proof with little to no chance of color leakage. If they stamp one color over another, they begin to will learn about color theory. This makes dot markers an excellent tool for introducing color theory. Color theory involves understanding how to mix colors to make new colors. In color theory, magenta, yellow, and cyan are considered primary colors because they can be mixed together to form all the other colors.

Pictures can be colored with dot markers, ordinary markers or crayons and even with fingers covered with water paint. Another idea could be using q-tips and paint to color the dots! They can also use colored sticker dots from a stationery or crafts store or department.

What's inside:

  • 30 Cute Easter Dot Marker coloring pictures

  • Large pictures that are easy to color

  • The opportunity to develops their grip, eye-hand coordination

  • Page are not perforated

  • Following through with projects and having a sense of accomplishment and pride in the completed challenge are important to a child's development. As their skills grow, they will be encouraged to look for more challenging things to do. Having fun while doing so makes this enjoyable and rewarding. It is my wish and desire that anyone using this book has a wonderful time in accomplishing each project.

    About the Author

    Mary Jean Simpson has been fascinated by the beauty and magic of words, music, and the arts as long as she can remember. Her varied careers as a professional musician, a university professor--first in music and later teaching Professional Writing, and a writer and editor, have provided wonderful opportunities to utilize these fully. Living in a variety of places and interacting with many people has been an invaluable experience. Her many years of being owned by dogs and cats has allowed her to not only enjoy their unconditional love, but to participate in various dog sports. Her cats have created their own sports. Creating journals, planners, and activity books for you brings their own special delight and joy to her.







    定價:100 319



