This Zipadizoo storybook is wrapped in a plush, padded jacket, and zipped up to keep it safe. The plush cover has been specially designed to look like a lion, sure to make everyone smile with it's too
This delightfully soft cloth book with bright, colourful pictures featuring Eric Carle's best-loved creation is sure to make babies smile. Perfect for making snuggle-time extra special. 商品除瑕疵品外,恕不接受退
It's Christmas time for Baby Boo and the snow is falling outside. Join him as he makes a snowman, decorates the Christmas tree and looks out for Santa! 商品除瑕疵品外,恕不接受退換貨因拍攝略有色差,圖片僅供參考,顏色請以實際收到商品為準
TASTE TAIWAN: Recipes from Taiwanese Home Kitchen 以全英文撰寫台灣飲食文化與實用食譜,集結多年教學精華,從台灣飲食發展史、調味料、烹飪方法、文化故事等角度切入,收錄7大分類、67篇經典台灣食譜,為一本向全世界展示台灣味的經典著作!身為台灣人,我們對台灣味的豐富多元感到驕傲!不管是在街邊早餐店聽見煎台阿姨的熱情呼喚、圍坐餐桌吃著媽媽炒的高麗菜和滷肉,或是晚上八點踏入夜市看著霓虹燈閃呀閃、坐上紅板凳吃份熱滋滋的鐵板牛排。其實我們的飲食都和這塊土地的故事息息相關。您,想知道怎麼在家輕鬆做出台灣味嗎?您,想知道怎麼用英文說台灣味的故事嗎?... If New York is known globally as the city that never sleeps, then perhaps Taiwan could be called the country that is never hungry....For the people of Taiwan, food isn't just a necessity; it's a national obsession. While some might liken Italy's outline to a high-heeled boot, when we Taiwanese look at our map, we see a sweet potato… 本書【TASTE TAIWAN 台灣家香味】集結 Cookinn Taiwan旅人料理教室 多年的國內外教學精華,從台灣飲食發展史、調味料、烹飪方法、文化故事切入,完整解析台灣菜的調味和烹飪技巧,並收錄67道經年實測、家中容易實作的台灣料理食譜,教您輕鬆做出滷肉飯、鹽酥雞、蚵仔麵線、茶葉蛋、三杯雞、沙茶炒麵、蔥油餅 等家常菜和小吃,更有紅蟳米糕、紅燒獅子頭、南部粽、蛋黃酥等節慶手路菜!讓您一書在手,台灣味帶著走!The founder of Cookinn Taiwan, Chelsea Tsai, presents the cookbook . TASTE TAIWAN unlocks the sec
Teach your young one what its like to plant a garden with this super cute soft adventure book featuring Lemon the Bear and his kitty companion. Learn what different plants, flowers and more are outdoo