Acute and Critical Care Medicine at a Glance

Acute and Critical Care Medicine at a Glance


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The at a Glance series is popular among medical students and junior doctors for its concise and simple approach and excellent illustrations.
Each bite-sized chapter is covered in a double-page spread with colour summary diagrams on the left page and explanatory text on the right. Covering a wide range of topics, books in the at a Glance series are ideal as introductory subject texts or for revision purposes, and are useful throughout medical school and beyond.
Everything you need to know about Acute and Critical Care a Glance!
Following the familiar, easy-to-use at a Glance format, and now in full-colour, Acute and Critical Care Medicine at a Glance is an accessible introduction and revision text for medical students. Fully revised and updated to reflect changes to the content and assessment methods used by medical schools, this at a Glance provides a user-friendly overview of Acute and Critical Care Medicine to encapsulate all that the student needs to know.
This new edition of Acute and Critical Care Medicine at a Glance:
Provides a brief and straightforward, yet rapid, introduction to care of the critically ill that can be easily assimilated prior to starting a new job or clinical attachment
Encompasses the clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic skills required to manage acutely ill patients in a variety of settings
Includes assessment of the acutely unwell patient, monitoring, emergency resuscitation, oxygenation, circulatory support, methods of ventilation and management of a wide variety of medical and surgical emergencies
Includes new chapters on fluid management, oxygenation, non-invasive ventilation, recognition of the seriously ill patient and hospital-acquired infections
This book is an invaluable resource for all undergraduates in medicine, as well as clinical medical students, junior doctors, nurses caring for acutely-ill patients and paramedics.
Pre-publication reviews:
"The material forms an excellent basis for junior doctors in critical care and anaesthesia to get a good grounding in the subject, without appearing too scary."
–Senior House Officer
"The system-based approach… provides excellent reference material when studying a particular subject, allowing the reader to easily delve into the book when necessary, without having to read from cover-to-cover. It is an excellent revision aid… Much time has gone into eliminating superfluous data so maximal essential information can be conveyed quickly."
–UCL student


Richard Leach is consultant physician and Honorary Senior Lecturer at Guy's, King's and St Thomas' School of Medicine.


Units, symbols and abbreviations.
Part 1 General.
1 Recognizing the unwell patient.
2 Admission and ongoing management of the acutely unwell patient.
3 Monitoring in acute and critical care medicine.
4 Oxygen transport.
5 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
6 Shock.
7 Circulatory assessment.
8 Fluid management.
9 Fluid choice: specifi c situations.
10 Inotropes and vasopressors.
11 Failure of oxygenation and respiratory failure.
12 Oxygenation and oxygen therapy.
13 Airways obstruction and management.
14 Non-invasive ventilation.
15 Endotracheal intubation.
16 Mechanical ventilation.
17 Respiratory management, weaning and tracheostomy.
18 Arterial blood gases and acid–base balance.
19 Analgesia, sedation and paralysis.
20 Enteral and parenteral nutrition.
21 Hypothermia and hyperthermia.
22 SIRS, sepsis, severe sepsis and septic shock.
23 Hospital-acquired (nosocomial) infections.
24 End of life issues.
Part 2 Medical.
25 Acute coronary syndromes I: clinical pathophysiology.
26 Acute coronary syndromes II: investigations and management.
27 Arrhythmias.
28 Heart failure and pulmonary oedema.
29 Cardiac emergencies.
30 Deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.
31 Community-acquired pneumonia.
32 Hospital-acquired (nosocomial) pneumonia.
33 Asthma.
34 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
35 Acute respiratory distress syndrome.
36 Pneumothorax and air leaks.
37 Respiratory emergencies.
Renal and metabolic.
38 Acute kidney injury: pathophysiology and clinical aspects.
39 Acute kidney injury: management and renal replacement therapy.
40 Diabetic emergencies.
41 Endocrine emergencies.
42 Gastrointestinal haemorrhage.
43 Acute liver failure.
44 Acute pancreatitis.
45 Acute confusional state, coma and status epilepticus.
46 Neurological emergencies: cerebrovascular accidents.
47 Neurological emergencies: infective.
48 Neuromuscular conditions.
Other systems.
49 Coagulation disorders and transfusion.
50 Drug overdose and poisoning.
51 The immune compromised patient.
Part 3 Surgical.
52 Trauma.
53 Head injury.
54 Chest trauma.
55 Acute abdominal emergencies.
56 Obstetric emergencies.
57 Burns, toxic inhalation and electrical injuries.
Part 4 Self-assessment.
Case studies and questions.
Case studies answers.
Appendix I: Classifi cation of antiarrhythmic drugs.
Appendix II: Acute injury network staging system 2008 for acute kidney injury.
Appendix III: Rockall risk-scoring system for GI bleeds.
Appendix IV: Child–Pugh grading.
Appendix V: Typical criteria for liver transplantation.







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