Engaging in the Language Arts ─ Exploring the Power of Language

Engaging in the Language Arts ─ Exploring the Power of Language


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The guiding idea of this text for pre-service teachers is that students need to have experiences that engage them in listening, reading, speaking, viewing, and writing. A section on foundations offers chapters on assessment, supporting diverse learners, oral language development, and engaging students with literature. Part 2 focuses on instruction in the language arts, with material on speaking and listening, reading in the primary grades and beyond, spelling and vocabulary, writing conventions, and exploring writing genres. The book includes many b&w classroom photos and examples of real students' work, along with vignettes of classroom challenges and pre- and post-reading reflection questions. Boxes give info on assessment, instructional and assistive technologies, and children's literature. Inside covers list standards and corresponding chapters. This second edition provides key teaching routines for every instructional chapter, and contains new chapter sections on helping students who struggle. Purchase of the book includes access to MyEducationLab, with exercises and simulations, videos of real classrooms, podcasts, and practice tests, plus access to A+Rise Standards2Strategy, an online resource that offers K-12 teachers research-based instructional strategies. Ogle teaches education at National Louis University. Beers teaches in the School of Education at the College of William and Mary. Annotation c2011 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (


Donna Ogle is Professor of Reading and Language at National-Louis University in Chicago, Illinois, and is actively involved in staff development projects work in the Chicago Public Schools, the Reading Leadership Institute, and in other American school districts. Dr. Ogle serves as a literacy consultant internationally, including Critical Thinking International and as a part of the editorial review boards of Lectura y Vida and the Thinking Classroom. She recently finished her term as president of the International Reading Association (IRA). Donna also conducts research on visual literacy and content comprehension, having developed both the K-W-L and PRC2 (partner reading in content, too). She is the author of many books, book chapters, and professional articles and conducts national and international workshops on teaching for comprehension and higher order thinking, as well as using the arts in teaching. Her K-W-L procedure has become so renowned that teachers use it all over the world.

James Beers is Professor of Reading, Language, and Literacy in the School of Education at the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia. He is also the Director of the Eastern Virginia Writing Project of the National Writing Project, which helps teachers help their students become better writers. He has a B.A. in English from Johns Hopkins University, an M.A. in English, and Ph.D. in Reading from the University of Virginia. Dr. Beers has taught reading, writing, and spelling to students at all grade levels and has published books, chapters, and articles on reading, writing, and spelling. Among these publications are Developmental and Cognitive Aspects of Learning to Spell and Writing for Competency. James is also an author on the Scott Foresman Reading and Spelling Programs. He has given numerous in-service workshops throughout the United States and Canada for teachers and administrators on the teaching of reading, writing, and spelling and has assisted a number of school systems in developing K-12 reading and writing curricula and the three- to four-year plans for implementing the curricula. Along with his wife, Dr. Carol S. Beers, James has participated in the Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking Project through the International Reading Association’s International Volunteer Program. This project has helped teachers in eastern European countries promote critical thinking and independent learning through reading and writing in their students. James and Carol are currently co-authoring a book that addresses what every principal should know about reading.







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