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Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Preview
1.2 Object of the research
1.3 Rationale of the research
1.4 Problems with the existing translation studies
1.5 Objectives of the research
1.6 Key research questions and hypotheses
1.7 Research methodology
1. 8 Significance of the research
1.9 Structure of the research
Chapter 2 Review of the Relevant Literature
2. 1 Introduction
2.2 A meta-theoretical thinking of translation studies
2. 2. 1 Different focuses of investigation
2. 2. 2 Problems of translation, studies
2. 2. 3 Problems with research methodology
2. 2. 4 Some taken for-granted facts in translation studies
2. 3 Studies related to translational variations
2.3.1 Translation shift
2. 3. 2 The variational approach
2. 3. 3 Huang's study on special variations in translation
2. 3. 4 Hu's adaptation and selection approach
2.4 Summary
Chapter 3 A Description of Adaptation-Theoretic Framework
3. 1 Introduction
3. 2 Introduction to adaptation theory
3. 2. 1 Pragmatics as a general functional perspective
3. 2. 2 Theory of linguistic adaptation
3. 2. 3 Four angles of investigation
3. 2. 4 Three properties of language
3. 3 An adaptation-theoretic approach to translation as adaptive variation
3. 3. 1 Contextual correlates in translational context
3. 3. 2 Translation as translator-centered
3. 3. 3 Language properties as prerequisites for translation operation
3. 3. 4 Translating as dynamic processes of making choices
3. 3. 5 Salience as cognitive filter
3. 3. 6 Translation as realization of adaptation
3. 3. 7 Translational variation as the result of adaptation
3.4 Summary
Chapter 4 Salience as a Cognitive Filter
4. 1 Introduction
4. 2 The Cognitive nature of salience
4.2.1 The notion of salience
4.2.2 Degree of salience
4.2.3 Dynamics of salience
4.3 Salience of the ST features
4.4 Salience of the TT norms
4.5 Salience of sociocultural context
4.6 Salience to the translator
4.7 Salience as a cognitive filter
4.8 Summary
Chapter 5 Adaptability of Translation
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Linguistic adaptability
5.3 Translational adaptability
5.3.1 Terminological problem and ambiguity
5.3.2 Redefining adaptation or adaptabdity
5.4 Bidirectionality of adaption
5.5 Obligatory adaptation
5.5.1 Adaptation to the rules of phonological patterns
5.5.2 Adaptation to the rules of syntactical structure
5.5.3 Adaptation to the rules of textual organization
5.6 Optional adaptation
5.6.1 Interpersonal adaptability
5.6.2 Intertextual adaptability
5.6.3 Sociocultural adaptability
5.7 Summary
Chapter 6 Variability of Translation
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Linguistic variability
6.3 Translational variability
6.4 Possibilities of translational variation
6.4.1 Variability of Linguistic forms
6.4.2 Variability of semantic content
6.4.3 Variability of pragmatic function
6.4.4 Variability of text type and text function
6.5 Variation as dynamic processes of choice making
6.5.1 Dynamic choice making of ST interpretation
6.5.2 Dynamic choice making of TT production
6.6 Variation as Translation Strategy
6.7 Variation as Translational Creativity
6.8 Translational products as a continuum of variations
6.9 Summary
Chapter 7 Translation as Adapave Variation: A Unified Account
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Translation as adaptive variation
7.3 Principles of translation
7.3.1 Adaptation principle
7.3.2 Conditioning principle
7.3.3 Variational principle
7.4 A Unified account of translation
7.4.1 ST as source of information for translation
7.4.2 TT as communicative text in target culture
7.4.3 Paradoxes and disputes revisited
7.4.4 Translatability reconsidered
7.5 Summary
Chapter 8 Conclusion


2.2.3 Problems with research methodology
2. 2. 3. 1 Multidisciplinary problem
In modern translation studies, scholars and theorists have beenstruggling for more enlightening and illuminating ideas about translation.They have attempted to apply the achievements of other disciplines to TS, such as literary theory, linguistics, sociolinguistics, semiotics,pragmatics, cognitive science, communication theory, informationtheory, anthropology, and philosophy. These studies are obviouslymore systematic and scientific to some extent within their own domain,but they usually investigate translation from their own vantages ofperspective, which can only contribute to some aspects of TS, and thelack of comprehensive, holistic, and coherent studies is alsoapparent. Anyway, those explicit inspirations as well as the flaws of theprevious studies provide us with useful resources for this presentresearch. The problem is how to integrate them into a harmoniousapproach. On the one hand, we have no reason to reject those rivaltheories, or on the other hand, to casually incorporate some potentiallyuseful notions into overextended versions of others on the other.
TS by its nature is multi-disciplinary. As we know, translation isthe most complex event of the cosmos. Naturally, it is not only a concern of one particular discipline, but concerns of many disciplines.The multidisciplinary nature of TS seems to be universally acknowledged,Wilss (1982: 65) realizes that"translation cannot be termed a purely'linguistic operation' ... but rather must be thought of as apsycholinguistic, sociolinguistic and pragmalinguistic'process..." DeWaard and Nida (1986: 185) also express the same idea as "it(translation) is an activity which may be systematically described andrelated meaningfully to various disciplines. is built upon a numberof scientific disciplines, including psychology, linguistics, communicationtheory, anthropology, and semiotics. "
The boom of multi-disciplinary studies which are insightful andinspiring to some extent has paved the way for a comprehensive study ontranslation. Now it is time to integrate the enormous amount of tentativestudies from the perspectives of different disciplines. Though the multi-disciplinary studies of translation are actually helpful in the thoroughunderstanding of some aspects of translating from different angles (方夢之, 1996), each of these studies looks at the same problems from itsown perspective, and its conclusion can only reflect one part of thewhole translation event. An obvious flaw of these studies lies in the factthat each of them has its own emphasis and viewpoints and contributesless to a holistic study.




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