Handbook of Clinical Nanomedicine

Handbook of Clinical Nanomedicine


:NT$ 48750 元
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The enormous advances in nanomedicine in the past decade have necessitated a growing need for an authoritative and comprehensive reference source that can be relied upon by scientists, clinicians, students, and industry and policy makers alike. The Handbook of Clinical Nanomedicine: From Bench to Bedside is designed to offer a global perspective on the wonders of nanomedicine.

The handbook aims to provide a broad survey of various interconnected topics pertaining to nanomedicine. It is intended to be a stand-alone, easily accessible volume that examines the entire "product wheel" from creation of nanomedical products to final market introduction, all accomplished in a user-friendly format. Specifically, everything from bio-nanomaterials and nanodevices from the R&D stage to patent protection, clinical regulatory aspects, and eventual commercialization is encompassed in this book. In addition to highlighting cutting-edge technologies, the book addresses critical topics such as ethics, safety and toxicity, environmental health, nanoeconomics, business strategy, licensing, intellectual property, FDA law, EPA law, and governmental policy issues. With contributions from international experts, the diverse team of editors has compiled a book that provides a unified perspective to these varied topics. While many books focus on nanomedicine, nanotechnology, or nanoscience, none provide the medical applications of nanotechnology with both a clinical and business angle. Furthermore, most of the currently available books on the market fail to highlight the truly global nature of nanomedicine.

The handbook, divided into four sections, provides a comprehensive road map of basic research in nanomedicine as well as clinical applications and commercialization activities. Each of the 45-plus chapters contains 10–20 key words, extensive tables, color figures, future projections, and an extensive list of references. The handbook is an essential reading for the novice and expert alike in fields such as medicine, law, biotechnology, pharmaceutical sciences, engineering, biomedicine, policy, future studies, ethics, intellectual property law, licensing, and toxicology. While bridging the gap between basic biomedical research, engineering, and medicine, the handbook provides an understanding of nanotechnology’s

  • use to solve medical problems
  • current applications and their potential
  • regulatory environment and policy issues
  • intellectual property, licensing, and business activities

It is clear that the well-known editors have skillfully selected and thoroughly edited each chapter to reflect the most updated information possible. The range of topics covered as well as the international selection of authors is truly impressive. Since the rapidly evolving field of nanomedicine is very diverse and covers physical, chemical, biological, and engineering aspects, the range of the contributing authors accurately reflects this. The book’s multidisciplinary approach and an in-depth focus on nanomedicine, pharmaceutical sciences, materials science, biomedical engineering, and biotechnology will attract a global audience. In short, Handbook of Clinical Nanomedicine: From Bench to Bedside promises to be a standard reference text in this expansive and interdisciplinary field. It is a timely addition to the literature on nanosciences and will undoubtedly serve as a catalyst to stimulate interest in this rapidly growing field.


Raj Bawa, MS., PhD, is president of Bawa Biotech LLC, a biotech/pharma consultancy and patent law firm he founded in 2002 and is currently based in Ashburn, VA (USA). He is an inventor, entrepreneur, professor, and registered patent agent licensed to practice before the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office. Trained as a biochemist and microbiologist, he has been an active researcher for the past two decades. He has extensive expertise in pharmaceutical sciences, biotechnology, nanomedicine, drug delivery, and biodefense-related scientific, FDA regulatory, and patent law issues. He has served as an advisor, consultant, or expert to numerous global corporations, US government (NIH, NSF), law firms, universities, nonprofits, and NGOs. Since 1999, he has held faculty appointments at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (Troy, NY) where he is currently an adjunct professor of biological sciences. Since 2004, he has been an adjunct associate professor of natural and applied sciences at NVCC (Annandale, VA). Since 2012, he has been a scientific advisor to Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, Ltd. (Israel). He previously served as patent legal advisor at Sequoia Pharmaceuticals (Gaithersburg, MD) and as senior scientist at SynerGene Therapeutics, Inc. (Potomac, MD). He recently served as principle investigator for two US National Cancer Institute/SBIR contracts titled "Targeted nanocomplexed iron oxide for early detection with concurrent hyperthermia treatment of cancer" and "A targeted nanocomplex for early detection of lung cancer. In the 1990s, Dr. Bawa held various positions at the US Patent & Trademark Office, including primary examiner (6 years) and instructor at the US Patent Academy. He is a life member of Sigma Xi, founding director of the American Society for Nanomedicine, and co-chair of the Nanotech Committee of the American Bar Association. He has authored over 100 publications, co-edited two books, and presented or chaired at over 200 conferences worldwide. He serves on the editorial boards of 16 peer-reviewed journals, including Pharmaceutical Patent Analyst, International Journal of Nanomedicine, Cancer Nanotechnology, Applied Scientific Reports, Recent Patents on Biomedical Engineering, Nanotechnology Law and Business, Recent Patents on Nanotechnology, Journal of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, WIRE’s Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology, JSM Biotechnology & Biomedical Engineering, Nanomedicine: NBM. Some of Dr. Bawa’s awards include the Innovations Prize from the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, UK (2008); Appreciation Award from the US Undersecretary of Commerce, Washington, DC (2001); a Research Fellowship from Rensselaer (1989–1990); the Key Award from Rensselaer’s Office of Alumni Relations (2005); and Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Society for Nanomedicine (2014).

Gerald F. Audette, PhD, has been a faculty member at York University in Toronto (Canada) in the Department of Chemistry since 2006. Currently he is an associate professor in the department, and is a member of the Centre for Research on Biomolecular Interactions at York University. He received his doctorate in the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, Canada in 2002. Working with Drs. Louis T. J. Delbaere and J. Wilson Quail (1995–2001), Dr. Audette's research focused on the elucidation of the protein-carbohydrate interactions that occur during blood-group recognition, in particular during the recognition of the O blood type, using high-resolution X-ray crystallography. Dr. Audette conducted his postdoctoral research at the University of Alberta (2001–2006) in Edmonton, Canada. Working with Drs. Bart Hazes and Laura Frost, his research again utilized high-resolution protein crystallography to examine the correlation between protein structure and biological activity of type IV pilins that are assembled into pili used by bacteria for multiple purposes







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