This daily health care manual for the diabetic male packs a double punch. On the one hand, Dr. Juliano offers concrete advice on the large and small health care problems that confront every diabetic. His chapters on insulin, oral antidiabetic medications, home blood glucose monitoring, clinical blood tests, and new treatments describe medical procedures in easy-to-understand language. He discusses exercise physiology, acupuncture, diet, vitamins, and the implications of hypertension to point out the best lifestyle changes for someone with diabetes. He realistically explains the serious long-term complications to the diabetic's eyes, kidneys, and vascular nervous systems and stresses some of the new procedures like tight blood glucose control that hold high hope for diabetics. In chapters on dental hygiene and foot care - both important areas of concern for diabetics - and on male baldness and erectile dysfunction, he draws on medical opinion and his own experience to help the diabetic male improve his looks and maintain a healthy life.
On the other side is Dr. Juliano's very positive take on his life of more than thirty years as an insulin-dependent diabetic, the last twelve of which he has been blind. His blindness wiped out his medical career and made it impossible for him to indulge his love of driving beautifully designed sports cars and surfing the big waves in Hawaii, but he lives fully, writing books to help other diabetics and continuing his research into this ancient disease.
On the other side is Dr. Juliano's very positive take on his life of more than thirty years as an insulin-dependent diabetic, the last twelve of which he has been blind. His blindness wiped out his medical career and made it impossible for him to indulge his love of driving beautifully designed sports cars and surfing the big waves in Hawaii, but he lives fully, writing books to help other diabetics and continuing his research into this ancient disease.