Unit 1
Passage 1 Moderympic Games Review
Passage 2 Friends
Passage 3 Medicare in America
Unit 2
Passage 1 Persian Cu1ture and the Zoroastrian Re1igion
Passage 2 Shrek 2
Passage 3 The Meaning of Egyptian Art
Unit 3
Passage 1 Primer for Rea1 Germans
Passage 2 Brand It 1ike Beckham
Passage 3 Money’S Digita1 Future
Unit 4
Passage 1 4 Myths about Customer Va1ue
Passage 2 Bui1d &。Protect Your Confidence
Passage 3 Why Emerce Is Not Ready for My Daughter or Me
Unit 5
Passage1 An Antidote to MoneyOriented Education
Passage 2 How Accurate Are Co11ege Rankings7
Passage 3 Thinking for Successthe Same Method Does Not
Work for Everyone
Test 1
Passage 1 A1ex Sa1mond Resigns as 1eader of the SNP
Passage 2 Wi11iam Shakespeare and His P1ays
Passage 3 Para1yzed Dancer Returns to Stage
Unit 6
Passage 1 Air1ine Trave1 1ingo!Does the 1anguage
Need an Interpreter?
Passage 2 Trave1 Journa1s——Preserve Your Trave1 Experiences
Passage 3 Does the Earth Have Ho11ow Areas inside It7
Unit 7
Passage 1 Washington Post Editor Ben Brad1ee
Passage 2 Saving Paris’S O1dest Bookstore
Passage 3 Narratives Bring Movies to 1ife for the B1ind
Unit 8。
Passage 1 Detroit:The Branding of a Bankrupt City
Passage 2 Four Main Ro1es of Beijing Opera
Passage 3 A Passion for Chinese Cu1ture
Unit 9
Passage 1 How Techogy Promotes Wor1d Peace
Passage 2 The Troub1e with Scientific Secrets
Passage 3 Scientific Pub1ishin9:The Price of Information
Unit 10。
Passage 1 The End of Cheap Food
Passage 2 Inter Broaden Wor1d for Young Peop1e
Passage 3 Make Use of Work Pressure
Unit 1
Passage 1 Moderympic Games Review
Passage 2 Friends
Passage 3 Medicare in America
Unit 2
Passage 1 Persian Cu1ture and the Zoroastrian Re1igion
Passage 2 Shrek 2
Passage 3 The Meaning of Egyptian Art
Unit 3
Passage 1 Primer for Rea1 Germans
Passage 2 Brand It 1ike Beckham
Passage 3 Money’S Digita1 Future
Unit 4
Passage 1 4 Myths about Customer Va1ue
Passage 2 Bui1d &。Protect Your Confidence
Passage 3 Why Emerce Is Not Ready for My Daughter or Me
Unit 5
Passage1 An Antidote to MoneyOriented Education
Passage 2 How Accurate Are Co11ege Rankings7
Passage 3 Thinking for Successthe Same Method Does Not
Work for Everyone
Test 1
Passage 1 A1ex Sa1mond Resigns as 1eader of the SNP
Passage 2 Wi11iam Shakespeare and His P1ays
Passage 3 Para1yzed Dancer Returns to Stage
Unit 6
Passage 1 Air1ine Trave1 1ingo!Does the 1anguage
Need an Interpreter?
Passage 2 Trave1 Journa1s——Preserve Your Trave1 Experiences
Passage 3 Does the Earth Have Ho11ow Areas inside It7
Unit 7
Passage 1 Washington Post Editor Ben Brad1ee
Passage 2 Saving Paris’S O1dest Bookstore
Passage 3 Narratives Bring Movies to 1ife for the B1ind
Unit 8。
Passage 1 Detroit:The Branding of a Bankrupt City
Passage 2 Four Main Ro1es of Beijing Opera
Passage 3 A Passion for Chinese Cu1ture
Unit 9
Passage 1 How Techogy Promotes Wor1d Peace
Passage 2 The Troub1e with Scientific Secrets
Passage 3 Scientific Pub1ishin9:The Price of Information
Unit 10。
Passage 1 The End of Cheap Food
Passage 2 Inter Broaden Wor1d for Young Peop1e
Passage 3 Make Use of Work Pressure
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