Lucky the Left Pawed Puppy
作者:Billie Kelpin; Julie Parker (ILT)
規格:22.9cm*15.2cm (高/寬)
Lucky is a loveable little puppy who lives with Mrs. Poppyset and his brothers under the ?H” of the ?Hollywood” sign in Los Angeles, CA. As Lucky scampers about in his world, however, he doesn’t appear to be all that lucky. You might even say that Lucky is the opposite of lucky! But Mrs. Poppyset is kind, Lucky’s brothers, Shortstuff and Rags, are fun, and Lucky is happy enough. When William T. Stagent, the Hollywood agent, shows up on the scene, he convinces Mrs. Poppyset to allow Lucky and his brothers to become the new "spokesdogs" for the popular Bow-Wow-Chow-Now TV commercials. Hector, the Director is delighted to work with Mrs. Poppyset's puppies until he becomes aware that Lucky is different than his brothers. When the lovely Leslie, famous trainer of animal TV stars is called in to analyze the situation, she discovers that unlike his brothers, Lucky is left-pawed. Leslie is just about to show Hector what to do, when an earthquake hits Studio Seven, As all looks bleak, until Lucky saves the day just because of his left-pawed ways. ELEMENTS Author, Billie Kelpin, being amused for a life-time, with the nuances of living in a right-handed world, wrote this charming story to empower little left-handers and to encourage parents and teachers to help left-handers to function extraordinarily in a right-handed world, while also embracing their dominant side. Several elements of style in "Lucky..." are meant to encourage language development in emerging readers. Rhyming patterns can be found in the characters: Hector is the Director, and William T. Stagent is the Hollywood agent, and students may discover by themselves that Mrs. Poppyset loves opposites! Language skills in "Lucky..." can be further explored through Lucky's word matching game, the online flashcards, and listening to Lucky on the audio cd!
Billie Kelpin writes in a variety of genres including fiction, creative non-fiction, and children’s books. She is presently working on a mainstream novel set in the turbulent 60's to be published in December, 2016. Most recently, Billie Kelpin’s short story, ?Sylvia” was published in the distinguished literary magazine, the ?Lost Coast Review” - Winter, 2016 edition. Kelpin is fascinated with the power of multi-media publishing. In addition to the print version of ?Lucky, the Left Pawed Puppy,” this delightfully illustrated book is also published as a narrated e-book and will soon be available as an app for both Android and Apple devices. Other multi-media publications include ?Polly and the Measuring Stick,” a narrated children’s e-book; audio app, ?Live from Milwaukee, It’s Tuesday Night;” and ?The Perfect Husband App,” insights as to what to say to your spouse today! As a former teacher of the deaf and sign language interpreter, Kelpin brings a love of language and language development to her work and a sensitivity to the special needs of children and adults. Playfulness and humor can also be detected in Kelpin’s work possibly because of her self-identified position of functioning as ?left-handed woman living in a right-handed world.” Links to Kelpin’s essays, articles, books, and blogs can be found at the colorful web site Kelpin, who was born in Milwaukee, WI and has spent much of her adult life just outside of Minneapolis, Minnesota, now resides with her husband Mike and their little dog, Scooter, in Newport Beach, CA where she is proud to be a member of the Orange County Writers' Group.