徐苗的《城市設計視角下的中國門禁社區》以重慶為例,綜合採用定性與定量研究方法,從空間政治經濟學的角度調查在全球化、市場化、 城市化以及傳統文脈的影響下我國門禁社區的發生和發展,以及門禁社區開發過程中市場、、業主等主要參與方的角色與作用;考察我國城市門禁社區的社會空間特徵,類型與發展程度,以及對城市公共空間和社會生活所產生的宏微觀社會空間效應;以此為基礎,探索基於中國城市文脈與轉型期市場經濟體制之上的門禁社區及類似“私屬公共空間”與整個城市空間良性互動的空間要素與可行途徑,豐富城市設計的相關理論;評估我國現行城市規劃體系內相關的指導思想與管理政策,探索通過公共空間政策推進門禁社區融入城市社會空間的概念原則、技術策略與操作程序,為我國城市自然資源與人文 境的可持續發展提供科學依據與政策參考。
徐苗*的《城市設計視角下的中國門禁社區(英 文版)》以重慶為例,綜合采用定性與定量研究方法 ,從空間政治經濟學的角度調查在全球化、市場化、 城市化以及傳統文脈的影響下我國門禁社區的發生和 發展,以及門禁社區開發過程中市場、、業主等 主要參與方的角色與作用;考察我國城市門禁社區的 社會空間特征,類型與發展程度,以及對城市公共空 間和社會生活所產生的宏微觀社會空間效應;以此為 基礎,探索基于中國城市文脈與轉型期市場經濟體制 之上的門禁社區及類似“私屬公共空間”與整個城市 空間良性互動的空間要素與可行途徑,豐富城市設計 的相關理論;評估我國現行城市規劃體系內相關的指 導思想與管理政策,探索通過公共空間政策推進門禁 社區融入城市社會空間的概念原則、技術策略與操作 程序,為我國城市自然資源與人文環境的可持續發展 提供科學依據與政策參考。
origin and the socio-spatial consequence 4.3.3 Failing experiment of perimeter block as the elementary layout of urban structure 4.4 Hybrid gated settlements in transitional urban China, 1978-present 4.4.1 Commodification of urban housing management and the emergence of gated munity 4.4.2 Diversified gated munities in contemporary China and concerns on both sides of boundaries 4.4.3 Persistent work-unit walls and hybrid gated settlements in the post-socialist era 4.4.4 Residential planning norm based on the neighbourhood unit concept 4.5 SummaryChapter Five Public Spaces Around Gated Communities: Physical Outes and Local Perception 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Changing physical outes: an investigation centring on the impact on local public spaces 5.2.1 The Dragon Lake Garden urban neighbourhood: an urban development led by four physically varied gated munities 5.2.2 South Garden 5.2.3 West Garden 5.2.4 Fragrant Camphor Wood 5.2.5 Crystal Town 5.2.6 Synthesis: mon features and key differences 5.3 Varied perception of local public spaces: a statistical analysis of the resident-opinion survey 5.3.1 A resident-opinion survey on the living quality of the Dragon Lake Garden urban neighbourhood 5.3.2 Disparity in the perception for local public spaces 5.4 Underlying relationship between physical features of gated munities and perceived quality of local public spaces: an in-depth analysis of the resident-opinion survey 5.4.1 Environmental conditions of the local public spaces 5.4.2 Services and facilities in public spaces 5.4.3 Social activities in the local public life 5.5 SummaryChapter Six Public Life between Gated Communities: Physical Outes and Usage Conditions 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Public streets around gated munities 6.2.1 Sidewalk of New South Road along South Garden 6.2.2 Sidewalks of Dragon-lake East Road along South Garden and Fragrant Camphor Wood 6.2.3 Sidewalk of Xin'guang Road along Fragrant Camphor Wood 6.2.4 Aegean Street between West Garden and Fragrant Camphor Wood 6.2.5 Sidewalk ofJinkai Road along West Garden 6.2.6 Sidewalks of Sports-park Road between Sports Park and Crystal Town Group I 6.2.7 Sidewalks of Jincheng Road between enclosures of Crystal Town Group II 6.2.8 Crystal Commercial Street between Crystal Town Group I and Commercial Complex 6.2.9 Gated munities and their neighbouring public street spaces: relationship and determinants 6.3 Public squares in front of gated munities 6.3.1 Entry square of South Garden 6.3.2 Front square of Community Centre of West Garden 6.3.3 Entry square of Crystal Commercial Street 6.3.4 Gated munities and their neighbouring squares: relationship and determinants 6.4 Public green parks between gated munities 6.4.1 West Garden Community Park 6.4.2 Sports Park 6.4.3 Gated munities and their neighbouring green parks: relationship and determinants 6.5 SummaryChapter Seven Public Space Beyond Gated Ccmmunites: Forces in the Decision-making and a Design-led Development Control 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Perceptions and visions for gated munity development at design and policy level 7.2.1 Perception of segregation and integration 7.2.2 Perception of privatisation of public spaces 7.2.3 The development-led policy context for gated munity design 7.3 Tne forces behind the changing design strategies of Dragon Lake Garden 7.3.1 Changing development context behind the design of Dragon Lake Garden 7.3.2 Changing features of Dragon Lake Garden and the forces behind them 7.3.3 Synthesis: the necessity for a pro-active development control to improve gated munity design 7.4 A design-led solution to gated munity in existing planning regime: applicability and barriers 7.4.1 Enclosure size 7.4.2 Boundary development 7.4.3 Publicly shared spaces and facilities 7.5 SummaryChapter Eight Conclusions, Policy Remendations and Future Works 8.1 Discussions and conclusions 8.1.1 Hybrid background underpinning gated munity development in China 8.1.2 The relationship between the gated munity and the neighbouring public spaces and the key elements in design 8.1.3 Problems in China's planning regime in relation with the design of gated munity 8.2 Policy remendations 8.2.1 To establish a long-term mitment to public space in the planning regime 8.2.2 To establish a policy framework for the design control of gated munity 8.3 Limitations and future worksReferences
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