Studies in love and in terror

Studies in love and in terror


:NT$ 480 元
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CLAIRE DE WISSANT, wife of Jacques de Wissant, Mayor of Falaise, stood in the morningsunlight, graceful with a proud, instinctive grace of poise and gesture, on a wind-blownpath close to the edge of the cliff.At some little distance to her left rose the sloping, mansard roofs of the Pavillon deWissant, the charming country house to which her husband had brought her, a seventeenyear old bride, ten long years ago.She was now gazing eagerly out to sea, shielding her grey, heavy-lidded eyes with herright hand. From her left hand hung a steel chain, to which was attached a small key.A hot haze lay heavily over the great sweep of deep blue waters. It blotted out the lowgrey line on the horizon which, on the majority of each year's days, reminds the citizens ofFalaise how near England is to France.Jacques de Wissant had rejoiced in the entente cordiale, if only because it brought such astream of tourists to the old seaport town of which he was now Mayor. But his beautifulwife thought of the English as gallant foes rather than as friends. Was she not greatgranddaughter to that admiral who at Trafalgar, when both his legs were shattered bychain-shot, bade his men place him in a barrel of bran that he might go on commanding, inthe hour of defeat, to the end?And yet as Claire stood there, her eyes sweeping the sea for an as yet invisible craft, herheart seemed to beat rhythmically to the last verse of a noble English poem which thegoverness of her twin daughters had made them recite to her that very morning. How did itrun? Aloud she murmured: "Yet this inconstancy is such, As you too shall adore-"and then she stopped, her quivering lips refusing to form the two concluding lines.To Claire de Wissant, that moving cry from a man's soul was not dulled by familiarity, orhackneyed by common usage, and just now it found an intolerably faithful echo in her sad, rebellious heart, intensifying the anguish born of a secret and very bitter renunciation.With an abrupt, restless movement she turned and walked on till her way along the pathwas barred by a curious obstacle. This was a small red-brick tower, built within a few feetof the edge of the cliff. It was an ugly blot on the beautiful stretch of down, all the uglier thatthe bricks and tiles had not yet had time to lose their hardness of line and colour in the saltwi







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