America in The New Rome

America in The New Rome


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On November 3rd, 2020, The United States of America held another presidential election. The next morning, America changed forever That day, the early morning of November 4th, would be a day of final victory for some, and a day of total defeat for others.As polling places began to close, it became apparent to those on the left that their presidential candidate wasn't going to win. Something had to be done They simply needed more votes In the early morning following election day, with cooperation from the news media, several states stopped counting votes at the exact same time. That has never happened in any previous election. Somehow they managed to come up with enough votes to turn the results in their favor. They were able to finally obtain the liberal victory they had worked so hard to accomplish.I truly now believe that what happened was God's will. "Leave these men alone Let them go For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God" (Acts 5:38-39). With all the attempts by those on the right failing to make any progress, I believe that this is in fact the will of God. For the end-time Bible prophecies to begin, something like this would be necessary in order for the Antichrist to begin his reign.If the right were to have stayed in power, His return might still be some time off. But now, with the "globalist" in power, the end-time prophecies may be "right at the door" (Matt 24:33).As you read this book, you will see how history, especially Roman history, parallels the prophecies recorded in Scripture over the last 2500 years. This book explains how all of us who descended from Europe, are in fact, still Romans. The western nations of our world today, including the United States of America, will soon be included in The New Rome. The Antichrist will someday, perhaps in the near future, come on the scene and incorporate the United States into his Revived Roman Empire (the 1st seal). In order for him to conquer the entire world, he will have to initiate another World War (the 2nd seal). This will bring on famine (the 3rd seal), plagues (the 4th seal), persecution (the 5th seal), and a nuclear holocaust (the 6th seal). The 7th seal brings even more of God's wrath, as the trumpet judgements are sounded, the bowl judgements are poured out, and The Battle of Armageddon is fought. Finally, Our Lord Jesus Christ will return and establish His Kingdom here on earth. Don't miss the last chapter Salvation is a way for you to avoid all of this







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