New Historical Fiction The Demon Back: : Best suspense, mystery and thriller series novels Book 2

New Historical Fiction The Demon Back: : Best suspense, mystery and thriller series novels Book 2


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. Attention, you are on the verge of an adventure. You will color.>be able to leave the novel before it completes its end .

- Everyone thinks that no one will return after his death, but this creature has broken that rule by returning to life

after death, so what brought it back?

  • Did he return to take revenge or did he come back to save the earth from those who wanted to destroy it?
      • The sun is the source of life and existence on the earth. When the sun dies, the earth will die, and those on it thus wanted to extinguish the sun and restore the darkness. That is why the creature returned to protect the light and the light.
      • This is how the ancient legend talks about the phoenix,
        • which returns thousands of years after its death.

          • No one could have imagined that the myth inscribed on the walls ofthe ancient Temples would someday turn into reality and into a danger threatening their lives ...
          • This is what we will deal with in the novel the phoenix
            • - On a dark winter night, Saleh was looking for a place to shelter, afraid of something mysterious He does not see him

              chasing him while a terrifying cry resounded in the darkness for people to find him in the morning, transformed He a bunch

              him from burning ashes, turned into Clay by rain, with his skullin the middle, while his clothes were untouched.

              - Journalist Salem tries to uncover the mystery of this case, but he is surprised by the recurrence of similar incidents

              They have it in different places, so what connects them other than death, ashes and human skulls ?

              - During his research, Salem wanders around the ancient temples and pyramids, trying to find an answer to his

              questions She appeared before him and could not find an answer for her, for they are ancient secrets hidden

              carefully between the temples.

              • What is the relationship of these temples and pyramids to the stars
                • and supernatural creatures ?

                  • What is the secret of the disappearance of an army with all its
                    • weapons, the strength of fifty thousand fighters in the desert in an

                      instant ?

                      • Will the supernatural creatures really return from a parallel dimension to destroy the earth and those on it ?. All these questions and more We will find an answer to them between the pages of the story of the Phoenix Which carries you on a journey between the past, present and future, using the wonderful colorful pictures of archaeological sites and event sites







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