Feel the Rain: An Introduction to the Complexity and Expansion of Consciousness

Feel the Rain: An Introduction to the Complexity and Expansion of Consciousness


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This book explores the nature of consciousness and practices for expansion of consciousness. There is nothing more essential for living an authentic life; yet nothing more difficult to understand, much less achieve. The subjects and the challenges involved are complex, subtle, and constantly evolving. They are ideally topics for academic scholars and honored mystics who dedicate their time, energy, and lives to understanding such phenomena. Yet this is not a book written for scholars or mystics. It is written for those of us quietly and often privately searching for life's deeper meanings.

Pritchard has a gift of explaining seemingly ineffable concepts and processes. He deftly weaves together the teachings of the great mystics from both Western and Eastern cultures, historical scholars, the latest scientific research, and his own unique experiences to meet this challenge. He brings a deeper understanding to the learning process, including matters you were sure you already understood. Whether you are just beginning your search, or if you have been on the path for some time, this is a book for you.

The book is divided into two sections entitled: Recognition and Transformance. These are the two most fundamental steps for any attempt at consciousness expansion.

Section I Recognition provides a penetrating overview regarding the long disputed nature of consciousness, which scholars refer to as the hard problem. After all, the essential first step in attempting to change something is to first try and understand how that something operates. Section I begins by describing the human understanding of consciousness from the animism of Paleolithic times through the latest neuroscientific discoveries on how the brain and central nervous system generate consciousness. It examines the evolving understanding of distinct levels of consciousness from the introduction of the concept by Freud, through Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory, and onto the highly disputed argument for Transpersonal levels beyond the current scientific understanding of reality. It identifies and explains the almost insurmountable power of the main filters to consciousness, and concludes by exploring the optimistic promise of neuroplasticity.

Section II Transformance presents powerful practices for expansion of consciousness, and how many such practices are now supported by scientific research. Such practices often involve following roads less travelled, yet return again to share the wisdom and compassion learned.

Understanding the nature of consciousness and expanding its temporary and false boundaries provides the potential to see and relate to the world as if from a new dimension. You discover new values, new realities, a more authentic plane of existence. This is accomplished in large part through a new freedom from habits and fears. Too often these are so deeply ingrained that we are not even aware of their existence, much less their power. This new freedom of expanded consciousness welcomes you into an accessible lightness of being. It is a window of pure witness into the wonder of it all. This includes both the so-called good and the so-called bad. When you walk in the rain, no longer will you just get wet.







定價:100 566



