A Person's Destined Wife Is Like His Grave: True Story

A Person's Destined Wife Is Like His Grave: True Story


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This is a true-life story about Adam a High School Director and Hannah a University student. Adam and Hannah fell in love and the result of their love made them go from complexity of rejection, to trials and tribulations, sadness and happiness.
Adam spotted Hannah coming out of Das University and as soon as he saw her, he felt exhilarated, trembling, and a racing heart with accelerated breathing and feeling of love that ran into his body. Hannah is a Christian, a white American and Adam is a Muslim, a black American.
Adam is a black American Muslim born at Dearborn, which is the Islamic Centre of America. On the other hand, Hannah is from Rhode Island that is the most Catholic state in the United States of America. Hannah is a Catholic and according to her parents, Vatican Discourages Marriage with Muslims because the Vatican encourages Catholics to marry within their faith.
Adam and Hannah fell deeply in love but the problem started because they were of different ethics and faith. Falling into this kind of relationship with different sets of values, norms and beliefs can be very difficult to manage most especially in the environment they live in.
Hannah's father is a devoted Catholic Christian that gently chides Muslims for faltering on the issue of human rights and he also strongly believes that marrying a non-Christian will cause a Christian to be unequally yoked. In addition, her senior brother is also a presiding priest of a parish and her entire family are very devoted Christians. Adam's father also feels that the marriage will face stern parental disapproval, social criticism and unnecessary difficulties in living peacefully with in-laws and the whole families.
Will they be able to espouse together?
Hannah's father died without agreeing to their marriage proposal and Adam's mother also died looking straight into Hannah's eyes full of dismay.
Hannah ran away from home with the intention of never to return back home again but her running away from home, only turned out to become a crude means of getting some perspective but not an answer and will never solve this kind of problem.
Her family took her away forcefully out of anger to another town far away without prejudice and placed her under lock and key with the intention of separating her from Adam and getting her married to a Christian brother.
What will become of Hannah if she eventually runs away again because life for a runaway teen can be very hard as they may sometimes end up homeless, stealing, or even selling drugs or sex in an effort to make a living.
Hannah was forced by her family to marry another man and full of rage and love, Adam stole Hannah away on the day she was supposed to get married to the Christian Brother that her parents meticulously forcefully betrothed on her.
Hannah's siblings also visited Adam's house while he was not around and took Hannah and his son away to an unknown destination. Adam immediately set out to find his love and his child but was enmeshed with so many calamities befalling him.
Huh! Can they be together at all?
Adam married Hannah for the first time in the court without the consent of both their parents. He again married her for the second time according to Muslim rites with the consent of his parents but without the consent of her parents. He finally married her for the third time according to Christian rites with the consent of her parents.
It is a true story full of surprises, fun, pity, sorrow, hate, deceit, joy, happiness and overall love.
Their love found a way for both of them to be together forever and the impact of their love fuelled the love that made them live far beyond the moments of their life.
Very few have the strength, passion, and desire required to make their love last to eternity but to Adam and Hannah, their love remained a dream come true forever and ever.
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