Wu Wei - The Tao of Non-Doing

Wu Wei - The Tao of Non-Doing


:NT$ 958 元


Wu Wei - The Tao of Non-Doing explores the Taoist principle of wu wei, or non-doing, along with the related practice of wei wu wei, or effortless action. The goal of this book is to present, as clearly and as simply as possible, the various ways in which you can incorporate the principle of wu wei into your own life in order to accomplish your personal goals more efficiently and effectively as well as to enhance every aspect of the precious gift that is your life. As you will discover through reading the material presented in this book, the principle - or better yet, the practice - of wu wei is both diverse and comprehensive in its varied interpretations and applications.
While it would be possible to address the principle of wu wei and its applications independently of any broader philosophical platform, it is conducive to the understanding of wu wei to place this principle within the context of Taoist philosophy. For this reason, this book includes a brief introduction to Taoism in order to acquaint the reader with several of the most salient concepts and principles of Taoist philosophy, especially as these concepts and principles relate to the practices of non-doing and effortless action. Accordingly, the chapters one and two address the concepts of Taoist cosmology, Taoist metaphysics, Tai Chi theory, and Taoist psychology. Chapter three investigates the relationships between the principle of wu wei, the concept of yu wu (being and non-being), and the duality of emptiness and fullness.
The material in this book is not just theoretical, however. Chapter four explores how to integrate the non-doing of wu wei into everyday life. Chapter five presents strategies for embracing wei wu wei, or effortless action, from a practical perspective in order to incorporate effortless action into your daily life. Chapter six introduces the practice of "tranquil sitting," which is a form of meditation in which the meditator essentially does nothing, merely sitting quietly and observing the nature of the mind. Chapter seven explains how to stand still and do nothing through the practice of zhan zhuang. Chapter eight investigates how the practice of mindfulness can enhance your efforts to incorporate the principle of wu wei into your daily life. Chapter nine explores the non-doing of silence, not only during seated and standing meditation but also when engaging in activity. Chapter ten addresses the subject of abstinence, which is another form of wu wei, or non-doing. Chapter eleven explores a particular form of abstinence, the practice of fasting. Lastly, chapter twelve discusses how to incorporate the principle of wei wu wei into the practice of tai chi chuan (taijiquan).







定價:100 958



