Unwanted Child: A Healing Memoir

Unwanted Child: A Healing Memoir


:NT$ 570 元
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A Healing Memoir - The journey of a young girl going through emotional neglect, family issues, and broken hearts.

I was born into a dysfunctional family, I spend most of my time alone. I was lonely and vulnerable.

My vivid imagination kept me company, playing different roles. As an introverted highly sensitive girl, I felt everything to the max.

Throughout my teen years, I did my best to hold on, yet my lack of love and affection did me wrong. I was an easy prey. I just wanted to love and be loved in return.

Every time I fell, I stood back up and kept going because I believed in something better. I had faith and purpose.

A deep dive into my childhood years, a coming-of-age journey of a girl struggling her way through life. Until she became a woman.

For a long time, I was clueless, living day to day with the sole purpose of hoping for a better future. My vivid imagination kept me going.

I was a loaded ship sailing in the open sea amidst many storms, yet without any safe port to unload. Despite it all, I managed to keep my head afloat.

I have no superpowers, but I'm driven by a strong will to live and a positive mindset.

I share my entire childhood; I take you with me to relevant situations, such as physical and emotional abuse and toxic relationships.

If you're familiar with my writing, you'll know I love poetry. I've added some poems here and there whenever it felt necessary. I enjoy using poems to discuss sensitive subjects. They keep the wording light and let my creativity free.

I'm a thought instigator. I share my thoughts and insights to motivate you whenever you need them. I love to make people reflect on everything, help them find new perspectives, and learn new things.

Learn to let go of past struggles, embrace the present, and have a positive look toward the future.

Dedicated to fellow physical and emotional Trauma survivors.

No matter what you went through or are still going through, it doesn't define who you are as a person today or who you will be tomorrow. You have the power to change.

Mindset is your driving force: you CAN change things.

I understand some people are still reluctant to seek help, yet admitting you are struggling and can't get through it alone is a sign of courage and strength. You're already stronger than you think. If my book resonated with you, you're welcome to follow me on social media and reach out if you need to discuss it with me. I'm here to help, as nobody should go through this alone.







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