For We Wrestle Not Against Flesh & Blood: The Truth Will Set You Free

For We Wrestle Not Against Flesh & Blood: The Truth Will Set You Free


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While there are many different types of books written on deliverance, the focus for most of them is how to help someone get free from demonic oppression. But getting free is much easier than staying free, which people learn quickly. There are two missing elements that are critical to see a person experience the real freedom God intended through Jesus Christ. They are understanding the condition a person comes in seeking help, and ongoing freedom is God's real goal. We must realize that getting free is not the complete picture Jesus died for. In "We wrestle not against Flesh & Blood" we will cover five areas.
The first is knowing your real authority in Christ followed by the four stages of a complete deliverance to see a person totally free. John 8:36 which says, "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." The first stage is "Understanding the condition a person comes in" This is any area that is truly neglected. The second stage is "Detecting Demonic presence". Then in the third stage the actual process to deliverance of a person.
Finally, the fourth stage is the one you rarely see taught, "On going Freedom is God's real goal." The habits that a person develops over time, that the evil spirit causes a person to do becomes so entrenched in their way of life. Once an evil spirit is gone, often a person thinks they are okay but in a few days to a couple of weeks those old habits show up and the person thinks the evil spirit has returned, so they give up and surrender allowing the evil spirit to return. But the truth is, there is work to be done to retrain their old habits. This book will cover all five parts in detail.
Your motivation to read this book in a workbook outline form is based on three possible outcomes. First, "You want to understand the demonic better to protect yourself and to help others." Second, "You feel there is oppression in your life, and you need help to identify it and to be set free." Third, "You are not saved and are reaching out to God, hoping to find freedom from the oppression in your life." I strongly believe you will find all you need to live your life free from oppression and help others. May God enlighten you as you read with His understanding.







定價:100 718



