Magic Words For Manifesting: Speed Up the Art of Manifesting Your Dreams with Words That Hold Power When You Speak and Think About Them

Magic Words For Manifesting: Speed Up the Art of Manifesting Your Dreams with Words That Hold Power When You Speak and Think About Them


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In this book, we're going to dive deep into how you can use specific words-what I like to call "magic words"-to accelerate your manifestation journey. These aren't just any words; they are carefully chosen to resonate with your subconscious mind and influence your thoughts and actions in powerful ways.

Now, I know what you might be thinking: "Isn't this just a bunch of new-age mumbo jumbo?" Believe me, I get it. I was skeptical too, until I started seeing the real, tangible changes in my own life and the lives of others who practice these principles. There's a solid foundation of psychology and even a bit of science behind the idea that our thoughts and words can shape our reality.

We'll also explore the Law of Assumption, a concept popularized by Neville Goddard.

This law is based on the idea that assuming the feeling of your wish fulfilled can bring that wish into reality. It's a game-changer, and I can't wait for you to experience its magic.

But why focus on words? Because words are the building blocks of our thoughts and beliefs. The language we use, both in our minds and out loud, shapes how we see the world and, consequently, what we attract into our lives. By intentionally choosing words that empower and uplift us, we can start to shift our reality in profound ways.

In the chapters that follow, I'll guide you through everything you need to know to start using magic words in your manifestation practice. We'll cover the basics of manifestation, dive into the power of words, and look at practical techniques you can use every day.

You'll learn how to identify your own magic words, how to speak and think them into reality, and how to overcome any doubts or blocks that might be holding you back.

This isn't just a theoretical guide-it's packed with actionable steps, real-life examples, and inspiring success stories.

By the end of this book, you'll have a personalized manifestation plan that's tailored to your unique goals and dreams.

So, are you ready to transform your life?

Let's get started! Together, we're going to unlock the hidden potential within you and speed up the art of manifesting your dreams with words that hold power.

Get ready to speak and think your dreams into reality.

Your journey begins now.







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