◎53首中英對照詩,一本主流外、雙語創作的詩集面世了!◎篇幅雖然薄、輕,但藝術性、獨創性、一貫性以及困難度的含金量極高。◎這是一場永世之旅,歲月的光輝裡有奮鬥的足跡,自身的美麗和不變的慈愛。自由、世界、光明、大地、亙古、真與美、永世、偉大、愛、思想Freedom、World、Light、Earth、Truth and Beauty、Eternity、Greatness、Love、Thought¹自由也在時空裡,²似海洋與陸地來自於您那裡;³它們是深廣到毫無邊際。⁴我的言詞的遠展之翼的飛翔,⁵與閃電的怒吼一般,⁶永遠無法到達您的遠方。₁The freedom is also in time and space ₂like the ocean and land come from thy side; ₃they are so deep and wide that they are boundless. ₄The flight of the far-spreading wings of my words ₅will never reach thy distance ₆like the roar of lightning.¹我尚且未能確切知曉,²自由來自何處,³但您已給了我們那必要的自由,⁴以致腳能行走而翅能飛翔!₁I still do not know exactly ₂where the freedom comes from, ₃but thou hast given the necessary freedom to us ₄so that the feet can walk and wings fly!◎代理經銷:白象文化更多精彩內容請見http://www.pressstore.com.tw/freereading/9786267151341.pdf