For the first time in a single volume, discover the complete text of Codex Tchacos?the remarkable ancient papyrus book that contains the Gospel of Judas. Hidden for 1,600 years in an Egyptian cave, on
The discovery of a previously lost Gospel of Judas Iscariot has electrified the Christian community. What Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John tell us about Judas, the disciple who betrayed Jesus, is inconsi
This apocryphal work from the second century B.C. introduced such concepts as fallen angels, resurrection, and last judgment. It exercised a powerful influence on early Christians, particularly the Gn
In 1958, Bible scholar Morton Smith announced the discovery of a sensational manuscript?a second-century letter written by St. Clement of Alexandria, who quotes an unknown, longer version of the Gospe
Recent studies of the development of early Jewish mysticism from Second Temple times have avoided considering the extensive writings which have survived only in their Slavonic translations. Orlov (the
In this monumental work, Professor Price offers an inclusive New Testament canon with twenty-seven additional sacred books from the first three centuries of Christianity, including a few of the Dead S
The recent National Geographic special on the Gospel of Judas was a major media event, introducing to tens of millions of viewers one of the most important biblical discoveries of modern times. Now, a
The eleventh volume in this series examines New Testament Apocryphal texts, including the Acts of Paul and Thecla, the Acts of John, the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Peter, the Martyrdom of Perpetu
The monograph examines the cosmological section of the Apocryphon of John, a fully narrated version of the classic Gnostic myth. The author argues that the Apocryphon’s ‘world hypothesis’ is inseparab
The canonical stories are juxtaposed with a selection of later narratives surrounding the birth and childhood of Jesus that Elliott (New Testament textual criticism, U. of Leeds) deems representative
A collection of more than two hundred sayings depicts Jesus as a wisdom teacher who speaks to people of all faiths as a mystic and spiritual master. Original.
The essays collected here approach the book of Tobit from a range of disciplines: literary, feminist, anthropological, imagination, theological, textual and historical. This multi-disciplinary approac
Judas Iscariot.He’s been hated and reviled through the ages as Jesus Christ’s betrayer–the close friend who sells him out for 30 pieces of silver. But history also records other information about Jud
For 1,600 years its message lay hidden. When the bound papyrus pages of this lost gospel finally reached scholars who could unlock its meaning, they were astounded. Here was a gospel that had not been
DeSilva presents a Greek text with facing pages of English translation, along with commentary on the book. The author, he says, has immersed himself in the elements of Greco-Roman philosophical ethics
This title provides the first comprehensive analysis of the stages of development of the Gospel of Thomas, including a reconstruction, translation, and analysis of the 'original' form of this gospel,
Mary Magdalene, Jesus's Closest Disciple Marvin Meyer, one of the foremost scholars of the Gnostic Gospels: translates and introduces the Gnostic and New Testament texts that together reveal the