勞倫斯畢生以四海為家。青年時代剛踏入文壇,他就曾與情人私奔歐洲大陸,徜徉山水之際,尋找優游自在之鄉。其間,與意大利結下不解之緣。本書從他撰於青年時期的第一部、也是最知名的遊記《意大利的黃昏》(Twilight in Italy)中精選了三篇:〈加爾達湖的檸檬園〉、〈漂泊的異鄉人〉、〈歸途〉,內裏記錄了他1912-1916年間從奧地利、德國、瑞士等地徒步往意大利旅行時的見聞與反省。勞倫斯對當地風土人
【核心賣點】12個恐怖驚慄短篇故事讓讀者身處其中,發揮想像。既有助讀者培養廣泛的閱讀興趣,也含有提高英文寫作能力的範例,有助學習地道英語。 【內容簡介】The Dark Side 2: Day Zero and Other Stories is a mix of stories, dividing broadly between six’horror’ stories and six’thrill
The Cosmopolitan Dream presents the broad patterns in the transformations of mainland Chinese masculinity over recent years, covering both representations (in film, fiction, and on television) and the
This is the first book-length study of the development of civility in Chinese societies. Although some social scientists and political philosophers have discussed civility, none has defined it as an a
The “ASEAN Way” is based on the principle of consensus; any individual member state effectively has a veto over any proposal with which it disagrees. Dividing ASEAN and Conquering the South China Sea