Covers the complete range of topics in geriatric care, including theory and fundamentals, assessment, conditions, diseases, symptoms, policies, and societal issues that affect older patientsProvides a
精選最重要的臨床必學300字字元+圖像學習=快速記憶學習法全彩字卡‧字元學習法:字根、字首、字尾拆解介紹,並以不同顏色標示。‧學習進度安排:每25~30個術語為1課,共計11課,按部就班學習好輕鬆。‧圖像式記憶:每個術語搭配相關圖照,強化記憶。單元評量‧練習:醫護術語的中英複寫。Practice makes perfect.‧測驗:中英互譯、配合題、選擇題、是非題,供確認學習成效。
This book, written by an internationally acknowledged pioneer in endocrine surgery, is intended as advice for aspiring medical professionals, in particular for young people from around the world who a