本冊教材根據教育部發佈的《中等職業學校英語課程標準》的要求,緊密結合中等職業學校教學實際,圍繞學生生活和職場有關話題設計教學活動,共8個單元,分別是:Build good relationships. Welcome to our smart school.It is necessary to take up good habits in daily life. The world is full of love. Let's learn more about amazing China. Enjoy nature and protect the environment. Science and technology change our life.I believe I can do it.每個單元由循序漸進(Following Proper Steps)和規範學習(Learning Proper English)兩部分組成,依次安排了Objective、 Listenging、Speaking、Reading、Writing和Classic Reading等版塊,並穿插了思維差異感知點、文化點、學習策略等小提示。