Praise for the author:'Dyregrov's writing is clear in its description, and explicit in its advice, and demonstrates that the daunting task of helping a child through grief is both manageable and rewar
For professionals like counselors, child and family social workers and therapists, and others caring for traumatized children, Dyregrov, a clinical psychologist, lecturer, and consultant for UN organi
Social networks, whether of the heart or of the blood, seem to be the best at comforting those experiencing sudden bereavement. However, those in those networks, including counseling professionals, ar
Rather than shielding children from death and crises, adults should be helping to prepare them for such difficult facts of life, asserts clinical psychologist Dyregrov (Center for Crisis Psychology, B
Terror acts have taken place in several countries recently, and the media attention they generate means that children are more exposed to hearing about terrorism than ever before. Using simple languag