Learn one of the most life-changing messages in the world from one of its most dynamic speakers. Bryan Dodge?s message is spreading from coast to. coast--and transforming lives day by day. With 600,0
The iconic "Bert and I" stories were first created by Yale University students Marshall Dodge and Robert Bryan in the late 1950s and performed around campus. The two amateur storytellers soon recorded
Collects many of the classic Down East stories told by "Bert and I", as performed by Marshall Dodge and Robert Bryan, in print. Dodge recorded five humor albums as "Bert and I" or as himself and starr
The Best of Bert and I: Celebrating 50 Years of Stories From Down East CD features the best routines selected from the four original Bert and I CDs, plus stories taken from Bert and I on Stage and The
The Principles of an Unstoppable Family-Business is all about building a family-based business on a set of specific principals that are absolutely necessary for it to survive. It’s an enormous challen
Marshall Dodge and Bob Bryan began swapping funny Down East stories when they students at Yale in the 1950s. Their fascination and appreciation for Maine and its people triggered the production of sev