Comprehensive, up-to-date, and richly illustrated with some 200 color photographs, The New Encyclopedia of Snakes is the best single-volume reference on snakes. A thorough revision of the highly succe
With nearly 6,000 species currently identified, frogs and toads are the most familiar and abundant amphibians on the planet. Frogs and Toads of the World is a comprehensive guide to the natural histor
Describes more than three thousand species of snakes from around the world, covering the reptile's behavior, anatomy, feeding habits, habitat, and evolution and featuring more than 450 close-up photog
Stunningly illustrated with colour photographs throughout, this is the first popular guide to these instantly recognisable creatures. Drawing on their vast experience, the authors provide an illuminat
A compact visual reference to the habitat, distribution and conservation status of 300 of the world's frogs that combines color photographs, expert text and detailed species profiles -- a straightfor
A comprehensive, best-selling guide to more than 3,000 snake species for fans of snakes, snake owners, and students — now in an updated second edition produced in association with the Smithsonian Inst
This brand-new addition to Barron's profusely illustrated Mini Encyclopedia Seriesdescribes the many Bearded Dragon varieties and color forms that are available to terrarium hobbyists. Most Bearded Dr
Reptiles and amphibians make fascinating pets, but need special housing, equipment, and care if they are to flourish in captivity. What's more, pet owners attracted by the absorbing hobby of reptile k
A comprehensive introduction to their biology, natural history and classification. With flattened bodies, opposed feet, independently swiveling eyes, a prehensile tail, and the ability to change
A comprehensive encyclopedia, illustrated with full color drawings and photographs, on the biology and behavior of all reptiles and amphibians. Designed for quick retrieval of basic facts there are a
"With lush color photographs and lavishly detailed illustrations, this encyclopedia presents a striking abundance of information at a glance.... Strongly recommended for high school, public,