Crack open this book and you'll enter the strange world of Ohio's paranormal legacy. As revenge against his faithless fiancee, an Egypt Pike man spends his afterlife terrifying contented lovers who cr
Cemeteries are places of quiet repose where the dead are left to their eternal rest. But some spirits refuse to rest in peace. Join Edrick Thay as he explores some of the world's most notoriously haun
Since the dawn of time, people have experienced premonitions. Some foretell disasters, while others help to prevent horrible crimes or accidents. Join author Edrick Thay as he explores the remarkable
The Old South has a rich and fascinating history, filled with extravagant personalities. This collection from ghost researcher Edrick Thay explores centers of paranormal lore, such as Savannah, Charle
A fright-filled collection of out-of-this-world Americana, Ghost Stories of America draws on the folklore of 50 states to weave its magic. Check out the Red Onion Saloon in Alaska, where the spirits o