;Singer, P. N. (Honorary Research Fellow, Honorary Research Fellow, Birkbeck, University of London)
Colin (Honorary Fellow Bamford Honorary Fellow Society for Advanced Legal Studies)
Avis, Paul (Honorary Research Fellow, Department of Theology and Religion, Honorary Research Fellow, Department of Theology and Religion, University of Exeter)
Brian (Honorary Senior Research Fellow Thompson Honorary Senior Research Fellow University of Liverpool),Michael (Professor of Law Gordon Professor of Law University of Liverpool),Adam (Senior Lecture
Chris (Honorary Research Fellow Rostron Honorary Research Fellow Liverpool John Moores),Jill (Reader Barber Reader The University of Manchester)
Chris (Honorary Research Fellow in the School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences at Liverpool John Moores University Rostron Honorary Research Fellow in the School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Scie
Christine (Retired Honorary Research Fellow Swanton Retired Honorary Research Fellow University of Auckland)
Christopher Peacocke (Johnsonian Professor of Philosophy )/ Johnsonian Professor of Philosophy Honorary Fellow/ Columbia University Honorary Fellow/ London University)
Clive D. (Honorary Senior Research Fellow Field Honorary Senior Research Fellow School of History and Cultures University of Birmingham UK)
Diana (Honorary Research Fellow Berruezo-Sanchez Sub-Faculty of Spanish Honorary Research Fellow Sub-Faculty of Spanish University of Oxford)
Donald D. Phillips Honorary Fellow St. John? College University of Manitoba
Doron (Honorary Fellow Swade Honorary Fellow Royal Holloway University of London)
Douglas (Honorary Professor of English Kerr University of Hong Kong and Honorary Research Fellow Birkbeck College University of London)
Dr Lara (Honorary Research Fellow Owen Honorary Research Fellow University of St Andrews)
E. C. (Fellow and Honorary Vice-President of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA) Tupper UK),KJ (Formerly Professor of Design and Technology at Brunel University Rawson and Chief Naval Arc
Ellen (Professor of Roman Archaeology Swift Professor of Roman Archaeology University of Kent),Jo (Honorary Research Fellow Stoner Honorary Research Fellow University of Kent),April (Senior Lecturer i
Fay (Honorary Senior Research Fellow Bound Alberti Queen Mary University of London)
Glyn (Professor of Early Modern History Parry Professor of Early Modern History University of Roehampton London),Cathryn (Honorary Research Fellow Enis Honorary Research Fellow University of Birmingha
James (Honorary Fellow in the School of History Johnson Politics and International Relations)
John (Senior lecturer in Heritage Valuation Carman Senior lecturer in Heritage Valuation University of Birmingham),Patricia (Honorary Research Fellow Carman Honorary Research Fellow University of Birm