Central to the debate about access to higher education, and about how to develop the educated workforce vital to economic development, are America's open-access, low-cost community colleges that enrol
This book defines the concept and practices of literacy through a discussion of knowledge, information media, culture, subjectivity, science, communication, and politics. Examining the ways in which t
Poet, theorist and educator Beach asserts that all theory is ideological. In light of this perception he seeks to encourage students to critically understand their own subjectivity and their own socio
This book analyzes education in South Korea. It presents a brief history of Korea and East Asian education. It also explores the dynamic relationship between the public and private spheres of educat
Byron is situated between Milton, whose suffering Satan retained more than a hint of nobility even though God's ways were supposedly justified, and Nietzsche's ubermench who in suffering the laughter
The American philosopher and literary critic Kenneth Burke was an "ideologist" (although he never called himself this, and added to that, he spent most of his life avoiding the Marxist term of ideolog
“A strength of this book is Beach’s focus on the community college as an evolving social institution, a perspective not common in previous literature. Another strength is Beach’s focus on the dilemmas
Walt Whitman was a poetic Visionary. He published the first edition of this monumental work in 1855 and began his magnum opus with the words, "America does not repel the past of what it has produced.
If one were to describe George Bernard Shaw's position in the history of Western thought he might be called the witty, didactic English disciple of Nietzsche as well as a devoted socialist and playwri
In 16th century Europe, poetry had lost much of its cultural value. It became known as a narrow and frivolous activity, much like it is now, and it was under attack by religious authorities because i