John Birmingham/ Tom Weiner (NRT)
John (Guy's and St Thomas' Hospitals Chambers London UK),Sandeep S. (University of Birmingham Hothi UK),Camelia (Guy's and St Thomas' Hospitals Demetrescu London UK)
Mercer, John,McGlashan, Mark (Birmingham City University, UK)
Prof James Ferguson (Consultant Hepatologist Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham UK),John Scot
;Williams, Richard (University of South Wales),Kemp, Verity,Porter, Keith (University of Birmingham),Healing, Tim (Worshipful Society of Apothecaries of London),Drury, John (University of Sussex)
Allcock, Simon (Head of Classics & Humanities, Wellington College, UK),Baddeley, Sam (Winchester College, UK),Claughton, John (King Edward's School, Birmingham, UK),Harden, Alastair,Harden, Sarah (He
Birmingham John Birmingham
Bishop John D. Birmingham Jr.
Child, John (University of Birmingham, UK),Lu, Yuan
Cronin, Colum (Liverpool John Moores University, UK),Armour, Kathleen (University of Birmingham, UK)
Devaney, John,Bradbury-Jones, Caroline (University of Birmingham, UK),Macy, Rebecca J.,Overlien, Carolina,Holt, Stephanie
Freeman, Kirrily (Associate Professor of History, Saint Mary's University, Canada),Munro, John (Associate Professor of History, Birmingham University, UK)
John (Consultant Maxillofacial Surgeon Breeze University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust Senior Lecturer Imperial College London UK),Ross (Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Elledge U
John (Professor Emeritus of Casting Technology Campbell University of Birmingham UK)
John (Reader in Criminal Law Child Birmingham Law School),David (Professor of Criminal Justice Ormerod University College London)
John (Senior lecturer in Heritage Valuation Carman Senior lecturer in Heritage Valuation University of Birmingham),Patricia (Honorary Research Fellow Carman Honorary Research Fellow University of Birm
John Birmingham/ Jay Snyder (NRT)
John Birmingham/ Rupert Degas (NRT)