Albanese’s Criminal Justice, 4th edition is a thorough introduction to the field of criminal justice. In addition the major concepts, this text focuses on critical thinking as well as the media's infl
The text introduces the reader to ethical decision making in the first chapter and then presents three major ethical perspectives: virtue, formalism, and utilitarianism. The text then moves to the so
Written by an experienced author, professor, and past president of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Criminal Justice: Brief Edition addresses the fundamental issues of criminal justice in the
Professional Ethics in Criminal Justice: Being Ethical When No One is Lookingis designed for the Ethics in Criminal Justice course. Every major issue, problem, scandal, and crime in the criminal justi
Fraud and piracy of products and ideas have become common in the early twenty-first century, as opportunities to commit them expand, and technology makes fraud and piracy easy to carry out. In Combati
Organized Crime, Seventh Edition, provides readers with a clear understanding of organized crime, including its definition and causes, how it is categorized under the law, models to explain its persis
Organized Crime provides readers with a clear understanding of organized crime, including its definition and causes, how it is categorized under the law, models to explain its persistence, and the cri
Using George Orwell's 1984 as a backdrop, this volume examines existing trends and future directions in the use of electronic surveillance, lie detectors, and aversive "treatment" of criminal offender
Transnational crime is to the early twenty-first century what city gangs and Al Capone were to the early twentieth century. In Transnational Crime and the 21st Century: Criminal Enterprise, Corruption
Bestselling COMPARATIVE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEMS, 4/e delivers a comprehensive--and intriguing--analysis comparing the various criminal justice systems throughout the world. Thoroughly revised and up
Offering a comprehensive analysis, bestselling COMPARATIVE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEMS, 5e compares the various criminal justice systems throughout the world using six model countries: China, England, Fr
Transnational crime and justice will characterize the 21st century in same way that traditional street crimes dominated the 20th century. In the Handbook of Transnational Crime and Justice, Philip Rei
Transnational crime and justice will characterize the 21st century in same way that traditional street crimes dominated the 20th century. In the Handbook of Transnational Crime and Justice, Philip Rei
Transnational Organized Crime: An Overview from Six Continents explores the expansive topic of transnational organized crime, incorporating expert perspectives found throughout the world’s six inhabit