Presents the life of Vincent van Gogh, discussing his childhood, his contributions to the Post-Impressionist style, his early death, and his famous works.
A brief history of the museum discusses its founders, galleries and treasures, touring the museum, collection conservation, traveling exhibits, educational programs, and online community.
"Presents information on simple machines with a focus on inclined planes. Explains what an inclined plane is, and includes examples of past and present uses. Intended for third to fifth grade students
"Presents information regarding the Reconstruction years of 1866 to 1876, including background information and important events, people, and groups. Intended for fifth to eighth grade students"--Provi
"Presents information regarding African American involvement in United States Civil War of 1861 to 1865, including background information, key events throughout the war, the aftermath of the war, and
Fertility Facts is the ultimate compendium of pre-pregnancy advice, essential not only for the one in six couples struggling with fertility challenges, but also for anyone starting a family. This chu