The “Father of Church History,” the fourth-century bishop Eusebius was the first to chronicle the development of Christianity from its earliest days among the followers of Jesus, up throug
In Christianity, Empire, and the Making of Religion in Late Antiquity, Jeremy M. Schott examines the ways in which conflicts between Christian and pagan intellectuals over religious, ethnic, and cultu
The Apocriticus purports to be the record of a four-day public debate between a pagan philosopher, whom the text calls simply the "Hellene", and the author, Macarius, a Christian rhe
The Apocriticus purports to be the record of a four-day public debate between a pagan philosopher, whom the text calls simply the "Hellene", and the author, Macarius, a Christian rhe
Eusebius of Caesarea was one of the most significant and voluminous contributors to the development of late antique literary culture. Despite his significance, Eusebius has tended to receive attention