Through this engaging Who Was? biography, kids will discover the woman behind the sunglasses. Private and bookish, Jackie Kennedy found herself thrust into the world spotlight as the young and glamoro
How does a little boy from the London suburbs named Reginald Kenneth Dwight grow up to become one of the biggest pop stars of all time? A lot of talent and a lot of personality! Elton John, as he woul
Spatial Thinking in Environmental Contexts: Maps, Archives, and Timelines cultivates the spatial thinking "habit of mind" as a critical geographical view of how the world works, including how environm
Am empowering two-part program that first discusses why people develop patterns of insecurity and suffer habitual thoughts, then presents five steps demonstrating how those experiencing emotional turm
Outlines a program for overcoming relationship struggles, sharing prescriptive advice, evaluations, and stories on how to improve a troubled relationship with or without the willing participation of a