Bach Flower Remedies is a system of natural healing for the relief of negative attitudes and moods, which are regarded as contributory factors in the cause of physical and emotional suffering. Growin
New book brings readers along as author drives motor home across country to new stage of her life“Coast to Coast with A Cat and A Ghost” by Judy Howard follows author’s cross-country journey and her s
This is a comprehensive guide to selecting and using the Bach Flower Remedies, ideal for those new to the therapy as well as those who are familiar with the subject. The guide includes detailed descri
Cats have their ups and downs, just like people. This book tells you what to do on their bad days, and it will help the reader understand life from a cat's point of view. It includes a full guide to
This is the woman’s guide to using the world-famous Bach Flower Remedies. It explains how the Bach system works and its potential benefits for women throughout their lives, from its uses for menstrual
The Twelve Healers introduces Dr. Bach's world-renowned remedies, which provide a system for healing the mental and spiritual anguish at the root of ill health and unhappiness. The 38 remedies are gro
This book brings together the skills of expert horsewoman and animal behaviorist Heather Simpson, and those of leading Bach flower remedy experts Stefan Ball and Judy Howard. Together they describe ho
The authors demonstrate how to develop higher-order thinking, mindful decision making, and productive problem-solving skills in all students and provide a six-step process for developing thematic lear
This is the definitive guide to treating animals with the Bach Flower Remedies. It includes a complete introduction to the Bach system and its usefulness in treating animals, followed by guidance on u