In a powerful new young adult thriller, Addicted to Love, author Kathleen Murray paints a compelling portrait of the confusion and pain generated by an imbedded family system of dysfunction thriving d
Discusses the principles of proper accounting organization and techniques, explaining how to track accounts payable and receivable, profit and loss statements, balance sheets, costs of goods and servi
Small-town reporter Kate Miller has never been a fashion doA-A-until now. Kate Miller is no beauty expert. The rookie reporter from small-town England canA't walk properly in a pair of heels and does
This ready reference is a comprehensive guide to pop culture in Asia and Oceania, including topics such as top Korean singers, Thailand's sports heroes, and Japanese fashion.• Supports the National Ge
Watching the towers crumble, few remembered America had been attacked on 9/11, once before. Kathleen Murray Moran’s own September 11th twenty-five years earlier occurred when her husband Brian, a memb
Located in the geographical center of the state, Berlin is best known as the Home of the Yankee Peddler. The first white settler, John Beckley, arrived in 1650, followed by a few families from Farming
Ralph Lauren’s designs vividly embody the American Dream, and he has risen to become one of the world’s foremost fashion designers. His genius lies in his innate skill for interpreting key cultural el
The essential handbook for managing your morals the modern wayYou don’t have to be Catholic to feel a twinge of concern when your love life gets too lively—but it helps. Melinda Anderson and Kathleen
On September 27, 2018, the Senate Judiciary Committee held hearings concerning Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's allegations that then-Supreme Court Justice nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh had sexually assaul
Adaptation persists as a major area of inquiry in both film and literary studies. Over the past two decades, scholars have extended the debate well beyond George Bluestone's influential Novels into F
"True to the Spirit shifts the terms of the moribund debate about fidelity and adaptation. It presents a series of revelatory investigations on the productivity of adaptation across the history of cin