Ralph Hanna III (Keble College )
Angus (Former Professor of Modern British History Hawkins Former Professor of Modern British History Keble College Oxford)
Harcourt, Edward (Professor of Philosophy, University of Oxford and Fellow & Tutor in Philosophy, Keble College, Oxford)
Holton, Amanda (Lecturer in English,Old and Middle English, Hertford College, Oxford, and Lecturer in the English language at Jesus, Keble, Oriel, Queen's, and Worcester Colleges, Oxford.)
Howard (Fellow and Lecturer in Linguistics Jones Fellow and Lecturer in Linguistics Keble College University of Oxford),Martin H. (Senior Visiting Research Fellow Jones Senior Visiting Research Fellow
Kirsten (Associate Professor of Early Modern Christianities Macfarlane University of Oxford and Tutorial Fellow Keble College)
Meakins, G. Denis (retired, Emeritus Fellow, retired, Emeritus Fellow, Keble College, Oxford)