Rosen's Discrete Mathematics and its Applications presents a precise, relevant, comprehensive approach to mathematical concepts. This world-renowned best-selling text was written to accommodate the ne
The importance of discrete and combinatorial mathematics continues to increase as the range of applications to computer science, electrical engineering, and the biological sciences grows dramatically.
Rosen's Discrete Mathematics and its Applications presents a precise, relevant, comprehensive approach to mathematical concepts. This world-renowned best-selling text was written to accommodate the ne
隨著電腦科學的飛速發展,離散數學的重要性則日益彰顯。它為許多資訊科學課程提供了數學基礎,包括資料結構、演算法、資料庫理論、形式語言與作業系統等。如果沒有離散數學的相關數學基礎,學生在學習上述課程中,便會遇到較多的困難。此外,離散數學也包含了解決作業研究、化學、工程學、生物學等眾多領域的數學背景。Rosen教授所著之《離散數學》(Discrete Mathematics and its Applic
Elementary Number Theory, Sixth Edition, blends classical theory with modern applications and is notable for its outstanding exercise sets. A full range of exercises, from basic to challenging, helps
離散數學是數學、計算機科學及電機工程的必修科目,也是其他工程相關系所的必選科目之一。而Kenneth H. Rosen教授所編寫的離散數學一書,自1988年發行初版以來,如今已修訂至第八版,本書挑選的十三章內容中,除了有最基礎的理論性課題外,還包含了與實用相關的課題。 本書非常強調數學推理以及各種解題方式,並以五大重要的主題貫穿全書:♦數學推理:本書強調數學歸納法的技巧,藉甶各種不同形態的範例進行
Elementary Number Theory and Its Applications is noted for its outstanding exercise sets, including basic exercises, exercises designed to help students explore key concepts, and challenging exercises