Discover an Awareness That Is Natural, Freeing, and Always Available “Effortless mindfulness” is innovative teacher Loch Kelly’s term for an advanced yet simple form of mindfu
“Effortless mindfulness” is a new way to immediately enter an optimal flow state available to us in the midst of our busy lives. In The Way of Effortless Mindfulness, Loch Kelly teaches th
Spiritual awakening-or the discovery of what Loch Kelly calls "openhearted awareness"-is not limited to advanced meditators and tireless seekers. For the past two decades, this innovative psychologist
Spiritual awakening is not an elite goal attainable only by advanced meditators. It is a natural potential that we can access through what Loch Kelly calls "small glimpses, many times." In this audio
Teachings and Meditations to “Shift” into the Freedom of Awakening It is possible to access the same sense of well-being, clarity, inner freedom, and loving connection realized by the worl