Cohen (anthropology, Columbia U.) has selected nine of his published essays and articles from the past three decades, corrected and reconciled them, and updated them both to take account of China's ra
This book examines major areas of late imperial Chinese culture, and their relation to Chinese culture today, focusing on the competence and sophistication of ordinary people.The work provides an over
本書是作者孔邁隆(Myron L. Cohen)教授於1960年代到美濃的大崎下進行兩年田野調查後出版的著作。本書呈現了豐富的田野資料與各種文獻檔案,孔教授以此資料解開了他的問題:為什麼美濃沒有像傳統中國那樣的仕紳階層,卻有那麼多大家庭。不論是美濃的研究,還是漢人家庭制度的研究,在這本書出版四十年後的今天,它仍是一本歷久彌新、值得參考的著作。書中有許多細膩的觀察、分析與推論,有賴讀者一一去發掘。