“Relying on John Henry Newman, Friedrich von Hugel, Martin Buber and, more briefly, Hegel, Kant, Schleiermacher, J. F. Fries, and Karl Rahner, and writing from a Christian perspective—Lash argues that
This concise introduction to the main themes of the Apostles' Creed emphasizes the fundamentally Trinitarian character of the Creed, which is often overlooked, and thereby the essential contours of th
A classical, contemporary example of the theological mind at its clearest is Nicholas Lash’s Easter in Ordinary. This complex, distilled, but deeply affecting study of William James, Newman, von Hügel
The common view that 'religion' is something quite separate from politics, art, science, law and economics is one that is peculiar to modern Western culture. In this book Professor Lash argues that we should begin to question seriously that viewpoint: the modern world is ending and we are now in a position to discover new forms of ancient wisdom, which have been obscured from view. These essays explore this idea in a number of directions, examining the dialogue between theology and science, the secularity of Western culture and questions of Christian hope. Part One examines the dialogue between Christianity and Hinduism, while Part Two considers the relations between theology and science, the secularity of Western culture, and questions of Christian hope, or eschatology.
Nicholas Lash shows how the main contours of the Christian doctrine of God may be mapped onto principal features of our culture and its predicaments. After an introductory chapter on 'The Question of