The compelling and long-awaited new action epic from ONE, the author of One-Punch Man and Mob Psycho 100! Humanity cowers in fear in a world ruled by demons...but a brigade of humanity's 47 strongest heroes band together in a final attempt to wrest the world back!Centuries ago, humanity’s natural enemy, Demons, invaded the world and defeated humanity. The Great Demon Lord and his generals have since dominated the world, while the human race lives on in fear. In desperation, a group of 47 people gathered from around the world undertake a last-ditch effort to save humanity from ultimate annihilation. These heroes swear to defeat the demon army and win back humanity’s freedom, but they have no idea the desperate measures that this battle will drive them to embrace...
工,是一種淬鍊的過程,一,則是對於設計的初心。2014年,7月14日,三位來自台灣的80後設計人,組成了「工一設計│one work design」譜寫了80後設計師不同於前輩的發展道路:──與其單打獨鬥,不如集合力量,在創業的過程中彼此扶持,共同拚搏,同時互相交流,彼此競爭,追求進步。在短短6年多時間裡拿遍國內外設計大獎,作品遍及兩案,案型多元不拘,成為80後華人設計的偶像。 本書記錄了工一設